Catalog / Confluence Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Confluence Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

A handy guide to Confluence shortcuts, designed to boost your productivity and streamline your workflow. Navigate, edit, and format with ease using these essential keyboard shortcuts.

Navigation Shortcuts

Global Navigation

g g

Go to the dashboard.

g h

Go to the home page.

g s

Go to the spaces directory.

g r

Go to recent pages.

g b

Go to your drafts.

g i

Go to the Confluence settings.

Page Specific Navigation


Scroll down the page.


Scroll up the page.


Go to the next page in a sequence.


Go to the previous page in a sequence.


Quick search.

Editing Shortcuts

Basic Editing

Ctrl + Shift + E (Windows)
Cmd + Shift + E (Mac)

Open the editor.

Ctrl + S (Windows)
Cmd + S (Mac)

Save the page.

Ctrl + Z (Windows)
Cmd + Z (Mac)


Ctrl + Y (Windows)
Cmd + Shift + Z (Mac)


Ctrl + X (Windows)
Cmd + X (Mac)


Ctrl + C (Windows)
Cmd + C (Mac)


Ctrl + V (Windows)
Cmd + V (Mac)


Text Formatting

Ctrl + B (Windows)
Cmd + B (Mac)

Bold text.

Ctrl + I (Windows)
Cmd + I (Mac)

Italicize text.

Ctrl + U (Windows)
Cmd + U (Mac)

Underline text.

Ctrl + Shift + 7 (Windows)
Cmd + Shift + 7 (Mac)

Numbered list.

Ctrl + Shift + 8 (Windows)
Cmd + Shift + 8 (Mac)

Bulleted list.

Ctrl + Shift + 9 (Windows)
Cmd + Shift + 9 (Mac)

Create a quote.

Macro Shortcuts

Inserting Macros


Open the macro browser to insert a macro.

Ctrl+Shift+A (Windows)
Cmd+Shift+A (Mac)

Insert an attachment macro.

Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows)
Cmd+Shift+I (Mac)

Insert an include page macro.

Working with Tables


Create a table header.

| |

Create a table cell.

Additional Shortcuts

Search and Find

Ctrl + F (Windows)
Cmd + F (Mac)

Find in page.

Page Actions


Like a page.


Comment on a page.


Watch a page.


Share a page.