Catalog / Networking & Administration Cheatsheet

Networking & Administration Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential networking and system administration concepts, commands, and configurations.

Networking Fundamentals

OSI Model

Layer 7: Application

Provides network services to applications. (e.g., HTTP, SMTP, DNS)

Layer 6: Presentation

Deals with data representation, encryption, and decryption. (e.g., SSL/TLS)

Layer 5: Session

Manages connections between applications. (e.g., session establishment, termination)

Layer 4: Transport

Provides reliable or unreliable data delivery. (e.g., TCP, UDP)

Layer 3: Network

Handles routing of data packets. (e.g., IP)

Layer 2: Data Link

Provides error-free transmission of data frames. (e.g., Ethernet, MAC addresses)

Layer 1: Physical

Deals with physical transmission of data. (e.g., cables, connectors)

Common Protocols


Transmission Control Protocol - Reliable, connection-oriented protocol.


User Datagram Protocol - Unreliable, connectionless protocol.


Internet Protocol - Responsible for addressing and routing packets.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Used for web communication.


HTTP Secure - Secure web communication using SSL/TLS.


Domain Name System - Translates domain names to IP addresses.


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - Automatically assigns IP addresses to devices.

IP Addressing

IP addresses are logical addresses assigned to network interfaces.

IPv4: 32-bit address (e.g.,
IPv6: 128-bit address (e.g., 2001:db8::1)

Subnet Mask: Used to determine the network and host portions of an IP address. (e.g.,

CIDR Notation: Represents the subnet mask as a suffix to the IP address. (e.g.,

Private IP Addresses: Used within private networks (e.g.,,,

Public IP Addresses: Used on the internet and are globally routable.

System Administration Basics

User Management (Linux)

useradd <username>

Create a new user account.

passwd <username>

Set or change the password for a user.

userdel <username>

Delete a user account.


Modify a user account

groupadd <groupname>

Create a new group.

groupdel <groupname>

Delete a group.

gpasswd -a <username> <groupname>

Add a user to a group.

id <username>

Display user identity (UID, GID, groups).

File Permissions (Linux)

File permissions control access to files and directories.

Permissions: r (read), w (write), x (execute)
Users: u (user), g (group), o (others)

chmod <permissions> <file> - Change file permissions.

Example: chmod 755 (rwxr-xr-x)

chown <user>:<group> <file> - Change file ownership.

ls -l - List files with detailed permissions.

Process Management (Linux)


Display running processes.


Display real-time system resource usage.

kill <PID>

Terminate a process by its PID.

pkill <processname>

Terminate a process by name.


Move a process to the background.


Move a process to the foreground.

nohup <command> &

Run a command that persists after logout.

Network Configuration

ifconfig/ip (Linux)

ifconfig (deprecated)

Display network interface configuration.

ip addr show

Display network interface addresses.

ip link show

Display network interface link status.

ip route show

Display routing table.

ip addr add <ip>/<cidr> dev <interface>

Add an IP address to an interface.

ip link set dev <interface> up

Enable a network interface.

ip link set dev <interface> down

Disable a network interface.


netstat -tulnp (deprecated)

Display listening TCP and UDP ports.

ss -tulnp

Display listening TCP and UDP ports (using ss).

netstat -rn (deprecated)

Display routing table.

ss -s

Display network statistics.

Firewall (iptables/firewalld)

iptables (legacy):
iptables -L - List firewall rules.
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT - Allow SSH traffic.
iptables -P INPUT DROP - Set default policy to drop incoming traffic.

firewalld (modern):
firewall-cmd --state - Check firewall status.
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --permanent - Allow HTTP traffic.
firewall-cmd --reload - Apply changes.


Network Troubleshooting

ping <host>

Check network connectivity to a host.

traceroute <host>

Trace the route packets take to reach a host.

nslookup <domain>

Query DNS servers to resolve domain names.

tcpdump -i <interface> <filter>

Capture and analyze network traffic.


Graphical network protocol analyzer.

mtr <host>

Combines ping and traceroute functionality.

System Troubleshooting


Display kernel messages (useful for hardware issues).


Query systemd journal logs.

free -m

Display memory usage.

df -h

Display disk space usage.


Show system uptime and load averages.


Report virtual memory statistics.

Log Analysis

Log files provide valuable information for troubleshooting and security analysis.

Common Log Locations (Linux):
/var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages - System logs
/var/log/auth.log - Authentication logs
/var/log/apache2/ or /var/log/nginx/ - Web server logs

grep <pattern> <logfile> - Search for specific patterns in log files.

tail -f <logfile> - Monitor a log file in real-time.

awk and sed - Powerful text processing tools for log analysis.