Catalog / Wireshark Cheat Sheet

Wireshark Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for using Wireshark, covering essential features, filters, and techniques for network analysis and security monitoring.

Wireshark Basics

Getting Started

Purpose: Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer that captures and analyzes network traffic in real-time.

Download: Get it from

Interface: Familiarize yourself with the main window, including the capture filter bar, packet list pane, packet details pane, and packet bytes pane.

Capture Interface: Select the correct network interface from the capture options to start capturing traffic.

Capture Filters: Use capture filters to limit the traffic captured to only what you need (e.g., tcp port 80).

Stop Capture: Use the stop button (red square) to halt the packet capture process.

Save Capture: Save captured packets in a .pcap or .pcapng file for later analysis.

Common Interface Elements

Packet List Pane:

Displays a summary of each captured packet.

Packet Details Pane:

Shows detailed information about the selected packet’s protocol layers and fields.

Packet Bytes Pane:

Displays the raw data of the packet in hexadecimal and ASCII format.

Filter Toolbar:

Allows you to apply display filters to focus on specific traffic.

Statistics Menu:

Provides various statistical summaries of the captured traffic.

Go Menu:

Allows navigation of captured packets.

Display Filters

Basic Filters

ip.addr == - Filter by IP address.

tcp.port == 80 - Filter by TCP port.

http - Show only HTTP traffic.

dns - Show only DNS traffic.

icmp - Show only ICMP traffic.

arp - Show only ARP traffic.

Advanced Filters

ip.src == and ip.dst == - Filter by source and destination IP addresses.

tcp.flags.syn == 1 and tcp.flags.ack == 0 - Filter for TCP SYN packets (used for connection initiation).

http.request.method == "GET" - Filter HTTP GET requests.

http.response.code == 404 - Filter HTTP 404 errors. eq 5 - Follow TCP stream number 5.

frame.len > 1000 - Packets larger than 1000 bytes.

Filter Operators


Equal to


Not equal to


Greater than


Less than


Greater than or equal to


Less than or equal to

Capture Filters (BPF)

Basic Syntax

Capture filters use Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) syntax and are applied before traffic is captured.
They can significantly reduce the amount of data to be analyzed.

host - Capture traffic to or from the host

net - Capture traffic within the network.

port 80 - Capture traffic on port 80.

tcp - Capture only TCP traffic.

udp - Capture only UDP traffic.

Combining Filters

and, &&

Combine filters, both conditions must be true.

or, ||

Combine filters, either condition can be true.

not, !

Negate a filter.

host and port 80

Capture traffic to/from on port 80.

net or port 53

Capture traffic on the network or port 53.

not arp

Capture everything except ARP traffic.

Advanced Features

Following Streams

Follow TCP Stream: Right-click on a TCP packet and select “Follow” -> “TCP Stream” to see the entire conversation.

Follow UDP Stream: Similar to TCP, but for UDP packets.

This is useful for reassembling data transmitted over a connection, such as HTTP requests and responses.

Analyzing Statistics

Statistics Menu: Use the Statistics menu to generate reports on captured traffic.

Conversations: Analyze traffic between different endpoints.

Endpoints: Show a list of all endpoints in the capture.

Protocol Hierarchy: See the distribution of traffic by protocol.

IO Graphs: Visualize traffic patterns over time.

Security Analysis

Detecting Anomalies: Look for unusual traffic patterns, large packet sizes, or connections to unknown hosts.

Identifying Malware: Examine traffic for known malware signatures or communication patterns.

Analyzing Encrypted Traffic: While you can’t see the content, you can analyze the metadata (IP addresses, ports, TLS versions) of encrypted traffic.

VLAN Tagging: Use == <VLAN ID> to filter specific VLANs.