Catalog / Windows Script Host (WSH) Cheatsheet

Windows Script Host (WSH) Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Windows Script Host (WSH), covering essential objects, methods, and properties for automating tasks in Windows environments using VBScript or JScript.

WSH Core Objects

WScript Object

The WScript object is the root object for all WSH scripts. It provides access to various properties and methods for controlling the script’s execution environment.


  • WScript.Arguments: A collection of command-line arguments passed to the script.
  • WScript.FullName: The full path to the WScript.exe or CScript.exe executable.
  • WScript.Name: The name of the script host (WScript or CScript).
  • WScript.Path: The path to the directory containing the script.
  • WScript.ScriptFullName: The full path to the script file.
  • WScript.ScriptName: The name of the script file.


  • WScript.CreateObject(strProgID): Creates an instance of a COM object.
  • WScript.Echo(args): Displays a message in a message box or to the console (depending on the host).
  • WScript.GetObject(strPathname, strProgID): Retrieves an active COM object or creates a new one from a file.
  • WScript.Quit(intExitCode): Terminates the script’s execution.
  • WScript.Sleep(intMilliseconds): Pauses the script’s execution for a specified number of milliseconds.

WshShell Object

The WshShell object provides access to the Windows shell environment, allowing scripts to perform tasks such as creating shortcuts, accessing environment variables, and running external programs.


  • WshShell.CreateShortcut(strPathname): Creates a shortcut file.
  • WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(strString): Expands environment variables in a string.
  • WshShell.LogEvent(intType, strEvent): Logs an event to the Windows event log.
  • WshShell.Popup(strText, intSecondsToWait, strTitle, intType): Displays a pop-up message box.
  • WshShell.RegRead(strName): Reads a value from the Windows registry.
  • WshShell.RegWrite(strName, varValue, strType): Writes a value to the Windows registry.
  • WshShell.Run(strCommand, intWindowStyle, bWaitOnReturn): Runs an external program.


  • WshShell.Environment(strType): Returns a collection of environment variables.

File System Operations

FileSystemObject (FSO)

The FileSystemObject provides a comprehensive set of methods and properties for working with files and folders.

Creating an instance:

Set fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


  • fso.CopyFile(strSource, strDestination, [bOverwrite]): Copies one or more files from one location to another.
  • fso.CopyFolder(strSource, strDestination, [bOverwrite]): Copies one or more folders from one location to another.
  • fso.CreateFolder(strPath): Creates a folder.
  • fso.CreateTextFile(strPath, [bOverwrite], [bUnicode]): Creates a text file.
  • fso.DeleteFile(strPath, [bForce]): Deletes one or more files.
  • fso.DeleteFolder(strPath, [bForce]): Deletes one or more folders.
  • fso.FileExists(strPath): Returns True if a file exists.
  • fso.FolderExists(strPath): Returns True if a folder exists.
  • fso.GetFile(strPath): Returns a File object.
  • fso.GetFolder(strPath): Returns a Folder object.
  • fso.GetParentFolderName(strPath): Returns the parent folder name.
  • fso.GetSpecialFolder(intFolder): Returns a special folder path (e.g., Windows, System, Temporary).


  • fso.Drives: Returns a Drives collection.

File Object

The File object represents a single file and provides methods and properties for working with file attributes and contents.


  • file.OpenAsTextStream([intIOMode], [intFormat]): Opens the file as a text stream.
  • file.Delete([bForce]): Deletes the file.
  • file.Copy(strDestination, [bOverwrite]): Copies the file to another location.
  • file.Move(strDestination): Moves the file to another location.


  • file.Attributes: Gets or sets the file attributes.
  • file.DateCreated: Returns the date and time the file was created.
  • file.DateLastAccessed: Returns the date and time the file was last accessed.
  • file.DateLastModified: Returns the date and time the file was last modified.
  • file.Name: Gets or sets the name of the file.
  • file.ParentFolder: Returns the parent folder object.
  • file.Path: Returns the full path to the file.
  • file.Size: Returns the size of the file in bytes.
  • file.Type: Returns the type of the file.

TextStream Object

The TextStream object allows you to read from and write to text files.


  • textStream.Close(): Closes the text stream.
  • textStream.Read([intCharacters]): Reads a specified number of characters from the text stream.
  • textStream.ReadAll(): Reads the entire text stream.
  • textStream.ReadLine(): Reads a single line from the text stream.
  • textStream.Skip([intCharacters]): Skips a specified number of characters in the text stream.
  • textStream.SkipLine(): Skips the next line in the text stream.
  • textStream.Write(strText): Writes a string to the text stream.
  • textStream.WriteLine(strText): Writes a string followed by a newline character to the text stream.


  • textStream.AtEndOfLine: Returns True if the current position is at the end of a line.
  • textStream.AtEndOfStream: Returns True if the current position is at the end of the stream.
  • textStream.Column: Returns the current column number.

Networking and System Information

WScript.Network Object

The WScript.Network object provides access to network-related information and functionality.


  • network.AddWindowsPrinterConnection(strPrinterPath, [strDriverName], [strPort]): Adds a connection to a network printer.
  • network.MapNetworkDrive(strDrive, strShare, [bPermanent], [strUser], [strPassword]): Maps a network drive.
  • network.RemoveNetworkDrive(strDrive, [bForce], [bUpdateProfile]): Removes a mapped network drive.
  • network.RemoveWindowsPrinterConnection(strPrinterPath, [bForce], [bUpdateProfile]): Removes a printer connection.


  • network.ComputerName: Returns the name of the computer.
  • network.UserDomain: Returns the domain of the current user.
  • network.UserName: Returns the name of the current user.

Environment Variables


Access system-wide environment variables.


Access user-specific environment variables.


Access volatile environment variables (exist only for the current session).


Access environment variables specific to the current process.


Expands environment variables within a string. Example shows accessing the PATH variable.

Registry Access


Reads a value from the registry. strName is the full path to the registry key and value.

WshShell.RegWrite(strName, varValue, strType)

Writes a value to the registry. strName is the full path, varValue is the value to write, and strType is the data type (e.g., REG_SZ, REG_DWORD).

strType values

  • REG_SZ: String value
  • REG_DWORD: 32-bit integer value
  • REG_BINARY: Binary data

Example: Read

value = WshShell.RegRead("HKCU\\Software\\MyKey\\MyValue")

Example: Write

WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\\Software\\MyKey\\MyValue", "MyString", "REG_SZ"

Advanced Scripting Techniques

Running External Programs

The WshShell.Run method is used to execute external programs or commands. It allows you to control the window style and wait for the program to finish.

WshShell.Run(strCommand, [intWindowStyle], [bWaitOnReturn])

  • strCommand: The command to execute.
  • intWindowStyle: Optional window style (e.g., 0 for hidden, 1 for normal, 3 for maximized).
  • bWaitOnReturn: Optional boolean value indicating whether to wait for the program to finish (True) or not (False).


Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ReturnCode = WshShell.Run("notepad.exe", 1, True) WScript.Echo "Notepad returned: " & ReturnCode

Error Handling

Error handling in VBScript can be achieved using the On Error Resume Next statement, which allows the script to continue execution even if an error occurs. The Err object can be used to retrieve information about the error.


On Error Resume Next

' Code that might cause an error
WScript.Echo 1 / 0

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    WScript.Echo "Error: " & Err.Description
End If
  • Err.Number: Returns the error number.
  • Err.Description: Returns a description of the error.
  • Err.Clear: Clears the error object.

Event Logging

The WshShell.LogEvent method allows you to log events to the Windows event log.

WshShell.LogEvent(intType, strEvent)

  • intType: The event type (e.g., 0 for success, 1 for error, 2 for warning, 4 for information).
  • strEvent: The event message.


Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.LogEvent 4, "Script executed successfully."