Catalog / Wiki Markup Cheatsheet
Wiki Markup Cheatsheet
A quick reference guide to common Wiki markup syntax, helping you format text, create links, and structure content effectively on various wiki platforms.
Text Formatting
Basic Styles
Renders text in italics. |
Renders text in bold. |
Renders text in bold italics. |
Renders text with a |
Renders text with an underline. (Note: Support varies by wiki.) |
Alternative syntax for italics (MediaWiki). |
Alternative syntax for bold (MediaWiki). |
Alternative syntax for bold italics (MediaWiki). |
Creates a Heading 1. |
Creates a Heading 2. |
Creates a Heading 3. |
Creates a Heading 4. |
Creates a Heading 5. |
Creates a Heading 6. |
Horizontal Rule
Creates a horizontal rule (line). |
Alternative HTML tag for a horizontal rule. |
Lists and Links
Unordered Lists
`* Item 1
Creates an unordered (bulleted) list.
Creates nested unordered lists. |
Ordered Lists
`# Item 1 Item 2` |
Creates an ordered (numbered) list. Item 1Item 2 |
`## Item 1 Item 2` |
Creates nested ordered lists. Item 1Item 2 |
Creates a mixed list (ordered and unordered). |
Internal Links
Links to a page within the same wiki. |
Links to a page with custom link text. |
External Links
Creates an external link with the URL as the text. |
Creates an external link with custom link text. |
Some wikis automatically convert URLs to links. |
Tables and Code
Table start and end markers. (MediaWiki) |
Adds a caption to the table. (MediaWiki) |
Indicates a new row in the table. (MediaWiki) |
Adds a cell to the current row. (MediaWiki) |
Cell header start marker. (MediaWiki) |
Adds style to the cell. (MediaWiki) |
Another cell in the same row. (MediaWiki) |
Code Blocks
For inline code. |
Creates a preformatted code block. |
Highlights code with specific language syntax. (MediaWiki extension) |
Markdown style code blocks (if supported by the wiki). |
Creates a blockquote (if supported). |
HTML style blockquote. |
Advanced Formatting
Embeds an image (MediaWiki). |
Adds alternative text to the image (MediaWiki). |
Adds a thumbnail with caption (MediaWiki). |
Resizes the image to 200 pixels wide (MediaWiki). |
Redirects to another page (MediaWiki). |
Ignoring Wiki Markup
Ignores wiki markup within the tags. |
Special Characters
Displays |
Displays |
Displays |
Displays |
Displays |