Catalog / Wiki Markup Cheatsheet

Wiki Markup Cheatsheet

A quick reference guide to common Wiki markup syntax, helping you format text, create links, and structure content effectively on various wiki platforms.

Text Formatting

Basic Styles


Renders text in italics.


Renders text in bold.

***Bold Italics***

Renders text in bold italics.


Renders text with a strikethrough.


Renders text with an underline. (Note: Support varies by wiki.)


Alternative syntax for italics (MediaWiki).


Alternative syntax for bold (MediaWiki).

'''''Bold Italics'''''

Alternative syntax for bold italics (MediaWiki).


= Heading 1 =

Creates a Heading 1.

== Heading 2 ==

Creates a Heading 2.

=== Heading 3 ===

Creates a Heading 3.

==== Heading 4 ====

Creates a Heading 4.

===== Heading 5 =====

Creates a Heading 5.

====== Heading 6 ======

Creates a Heading 6.

Horizontal Rule


Creates a horizontal rule (line).


Alternative HTML tag for a horizontal rule.

Lists and Links

Unordered Lists

`* Item 1

  • Item 2`

Creates an unordered (bulleted) list.

  • Item 1
  • Item 2

** Item 1 ** Item 2

Creates nested unordered lists.
** Item 1
** Item 2

Ordered Lists

`# Item 1

Item 2`

Creates an ordered (numbered) list.

Item 1

Item 2

`## Item 1

Item 2`

Creates nested ordered lists.

Item 1

Item 2

#* Item 1 #* Item 2

Creates a mixed list (ordered and unordered).
#* Item 1
#* Item 2

Internal Links

[[Page Name]]

Links to a page within the same wiki.

[[Page Name|Link Text]]

Links to a page with custom link text.

External Links


Creates an external link with the URL as the text.

[ Link Text]

Creates an external link with custom link text.

Some wikis automatically convert URLs to links.

Tables and Code



Table start and end markers. (MediaWiki)

|+ Table Caption

Adds a caption to the table. (MediaWiki)


Indicates a new row in the table. (MediaWiki)

| Cell content

Adds a cell to the current row. (MediaWiki)


Cell header start marker. (MediaWiki)

| style="text-align:center;" | Cell content

Adds style to the cell. (MediaWiki)

|| Cell content

Another cell in the same row. (MediaWiki)

Code Blocks

<code>Code here</code>

For inline code.

<pre>Code here</pre>

Creates a preformatted code block.

<syntaxhighlight lang="language">Code here</syntaxhighlight>

Highlights code with specific language syntax. (MediaWiki extension)

Code here

Markdown style code blocks (if supported by the wiki).


> Blockquote

Creates a blockquote (if supported).


HTML style blockquote.

Advanced Formatting



Embeds an image (MediaWiki).

[[Image:Example.jpg|alt=Alternative text]]

Adds alternative text to the image (MediaWiki).

[[Image:Example.jpg|thumb|Caption text]]

Adds a thumbnail with caption (MediaWiki).


Resizes the image to 200 pixels wide (MediaWiki).


#REDIRECT [[Target Page]]

Redirects to another page (MediaWiki).

Ignoring Wiki Markup

<nowiki>Markup here</nowiki>

Ignores wiki markup within the tags.

Special Characters


Displays <.


Displays >.


Displays &.


Displays ".


Displays '.