Catalog / Microsoft Teams Shortcuts Cheatsheet

Microsoft Teams Shortcuts Cheatsheet

A comprehensive guide to Microsoft Teams keyboard shortcuts for efficient navigation, communication, and collaboration.

Navigation & General Shortcuts

General Navigation

Ctrl + E

Go to Search Bar / Command Box

Ctrl + /

Show available keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + M

Mute/unmute yourself

Ctrl + Shift + O

Turn camera on/off

Ctrl + Shift + D

Decline an incoming call

Ctrl + N

New chat


Ctrl + .

Open settings

Ctrl + Shift + L

Move focus to the left-most app bar item

Ctrl + Shift + R

Move focus to the right-most app bar item

Ctrl + O

Open file

Messaging Shortcuts

Message Formatting

Ctrl + Shift + X

Expand/Collapse the compose box

Ctrl + Shift + F

Format a message

Ctrl + K

Insert a link

Ctrl + Shift + P

Open the emoji panel

Message Actions

Ctrl + Shift + I

Mark as Important

Alt + Up/Down Arrow

Navigate between messages in a chat

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Insert Giphy

Meetings & Calls Shortcuts

Call Controls

Ctrl + Shift + M

Mute/unmute during a meeting

Ctrl + Shift + O

Turn camera on/off during a meeting

Ctrl + Shift + K

Raise/Lower Hand

Ctrl + Shift + H

Show/hide meeting participants

Ctrl + Shift + J

Show/hide conversation panel

Ctrl + Shift + B

Blur my background

Meeting Management

Ctrl + Shift + E

Share screen

Ctrl + Shift + Space

Give/take control during screen sharing

Teams & Channels Shortcuts

Team Actions

Ctrl + Shift + T

Open new team

Alt + 1-9

Navigate to first 9 teams in the list (number corresponds to team position)

Channel Actions

Alt + Shift + Up/Down Arrow

Reorder teams list

Alt + Shift + Left/Right Arrow

Navigate between channels in the list

File Navigation

Ctrl + 6

Go to Files