Catalog / Windows OS Shortcuts Cheatsheet

Windows OS Shortcuts Cheatsheet

A comprehensive guide to Windows operating system shortcuts, designed to boost productivity and efficiency. This cheat sheet covers essential keyboard shortcuts for navigation, file management, system operations, and more.

Basic Navigation & File Management

Core Navigation Shortcuts

Win + D

Show or hide the desktop.

Win + E

Open File Explorer.

Alt + Tab

Switch between open apps. Win + Tab opens Task View.

Alt + F4

Close the current item or exit the current app.

Ctrl + Esc

Open Start menu.

Win + ,

Temporarily peek at the Desktop.

File Explorer Essentials

Ctrl + N

Open a new window.

Ctrl + W

Close the current window.

Ctrl + Shift + N

Create a new folder.

Alt + Up Arrow

Go to the parent folder.

Alt + Left Arrow

Go back.

Alt + Right Arrow

Go forward.

File Operations

Ctrl + C


Ctrl + X


Ctrl + V


Ctrl + Z


Ctrl + Y




System & Task Management

System Control Shortcuts

Win + L

Lock your PC.

Win + PrtScn

Take a screenshot and save it to the Pictures\Screenshots folder.

Win + Shift + S

Open the Snipping Tool to capture a specific area of the screen.

Win + Ctrl + D

Add a virtual desktop.

Win + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow

Switch between virtual desktops.

Win + Ctrl + F4

Close the current virtual desktop.

Task Management

Ctrl + Shift + Esc

Open Task Manager.

Win + Shift + M

Restore minimized windows.

Win + T

Cycle through apps on the taskbar.

Win + [Number]

Open the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. Win+1 opens the first app.

Win + Alt + [Number]

Opens the jump list for the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.

Win + B

Select the first icon in the notification area.

Windows Tools Access

Win + R

Open the Run dialog box.

Win + X

Open the Quick Link menu (Power User menu).

Win + I

Open Settings.

Win + A

Open the Action Center.

Win + S or Win + Q

Open Windows Search.

Win + H

Open Dictation.

Text Manipulation & Accessibility

Text Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + A

Select all items in a document or window.

Ctrl + B

Bold selected text.

Ctrl + I

Italicize selected text.

Ctrl + U

Underline selected text.

Ctrl + Shift + >

Increase font size.

Ctrl + Shift + <

Decrease font size.

Accessibility Features

Win + Plus Sign (+)

Open Magnifier.

Win + Ctrl + O

Open the On-Screen Keyboard.

Left Alt + Left Shift + PrtScn

Turn High Contrast on or off.

Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock

Turn Mouse Keys on or off.

Shift key five times

Turn Sticky Keys on or off.

Win + V

Open Clipboard history.

Dialog Box Shortcuts

Alt + Underlined letter

Perform the command associated with that letter.

Ctrl + Tab

Move forward through tabs.

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Move back through tabs.


Activate the selected option or button.


Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box.


Display the items in the active list.

Advanced Windows Key Shortcuts

Window Management

Win + Up Arrow

Maximize the current window.

Win + Down Arrow

Minimize the current window, or restore if maximized.

Win + Left Arrow

Snap the current window to the left side of the screen.

Win + Right Arrow

Snap the current window to the right side of the screen.

Win + Shift + Left Arrow

Move the window to the monitor on the left.

Win + Shift + Right Arrow

Move the window to the monitor on the right.

Windows Key Combinations

Win + Tab

Open Task View.

Win + Spacebar

Switch input language and keyboard layout.

Win + Ctrl + Spacebar

Switch to a previously selected input.

Win + . or Win + ;

Open the emoji panel.

Win + Alt + D

Show and hide the date and time on the desktop.

Win + Pause

Display the System Properties dialog box.

Shortcuts in Command Prompt

Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert

Copy the selected text.

Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert

Paste the selected text.

Ctrl + A

Select all text.

Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow

Move the cursor one line up or down in the command history.


Clear the current command line.


Display command history.