Catalog / Bootstrap 5 Cheat Sheet

Bootstrap 5 Cheat Sheet

A quick reference guide for Bootstrap 5, covering its key components, classes, and utilities for building responsive web layouts.

Grid System

Basic Structure

Bootstrap’s grid system uses a series of containers, rows, and columns to layout and align content. It’s built with flexbox and is fully responsive.

.container - Provides a responsive fixed width container.
.container-fluid - Provides a full width container, spanning the entire width of the viewport.



Applies to all breakpoints. * represents the number of columns (1-12).


Applies to small breakpoints (≥576px).


Applies to medium breakpoints (≥768px).


Applies to large breakpoints (≥992px).


Applies to extra large breakpoints (≥1200px).


Applies to larger breakpoints (≥1400px).






Base class for all buttons.


Primary button style.


Secondary button style.


Success button style.


Danger button style.


Warning button style.


Info button style.


Light button style.


Dark button style.


Link button style.


Outline button styles (e.g., .btn-outline-primary).

.btn-lg, .btn-sm

Large and small button sizes.


.navbar - Base class for navbars.
.navbar-expand{-sm|-md|-lg|-xl|-xxl} - For responsive behavior.
.navbar-light - Light text color for use with light background colors
.navbar-dark - Dark text color for use with dark background colors
.bg-light, .bg-dark, .bg-primary - Background colors.




Margins (e.g., mt-3 for margin-top).


Padding (e.g., pt-3 for padding-top).


Auto margins (e.g., mx-auto for horizontal auto margins).


Where property is m for margin, p for padding; sides is t (top), b (bottom), l (left), r (right), x (left and right), y (top and bottom), or blank for all 4 sides; size is a number (0-5) or auto.



Left-aligns text.


Center-aligns text.


Right-aligns text.


Justifies text.


Transforms text to lowercase.


Transforms text to uppercase.


Capitalizes text.


Bold Text.


Form Controls

.form-control - Basic styling for form inputs, textareas, and selects.
.form-label - For form labels.
.form-text - For help text below form controls.
.form-select - To style select menus.

Form Layout


Use with .col-* classes to create horizontal forms.

.form-group (deprecated)

While still functional, consider using the grid system or utilities for more flexible layouts.