Catalog / IntelliJ IDEA Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
IntelliJ IDEA Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
A comprehensive cheat sheet for IntelliJ IDEA, covering essential shortcuts for navigation, editing, refactoring, and more. Boost your productivity with these keyboard shortcuts!
Basic Navigation & Search
Find Class |
Find File |
Find Symbol |
Search Everywhere |
Go to Declaration |
Go to Implementation(s) |
Go to Super-method/Super-class |
Go to Previous/Next method |
Find & Replace
Find |
Find in Path |
Replace |
Replace in Path |
Find next |
Find previous |
Editing & Code Completion
Basic Editing
Basic code completion |
Smart code completion (filters list of methods and variables by expected type) |
Class name completion |
Complete statement |
Reformat code |
Auto-indent line(s) |
Smart line join |
Delete to word end |
Code Generation
Generate code (getters, setters, constructors, hashCode/equals, toString) |
Override methods |
Implement methods |
Surround with (if, else, try/catch, etc.) |
Refactoring Actions
Rename |
Extract Method |
Extract Variable |
Extract Constant |
Extract Field |
Extract Parameter |
Refactor This |
Debugging & Running
Resume program |
Toggle breakpoint |
Debug |
Run |
Step into |
Smart Step Into |
Step over |
Step out |
Run context configuration from editor |
Debug context configuration from editor |