Catalog / GraphQL Cheatsheet
GraphQL Cheatsheet
A concise reference for GraphQL syntax, schema definition, queries, mutations, and common directives, designed for quick lookup and efficient development.
GraphQL Basics
Core Concepts
GraphQL: A query language for your API and a server-side runtime for executing those queries. It provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, giving clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more. |
Schema: The foundation of a GraphQL API. It defines the data types (objects) available and the operations (queries and mutations) that can be performed. |
Queries: Used to fetch data. Clients specify the data they need in a structured format. |
Mutations: Used to modify data (create, update, delete). Similar in structure to queries but indicate an intent to change data. |
Resolvers: Functions that fetch the data for a particular field in the schema. |
Basic Syntax
Query: |
Mutation: |
Fragment: |
Schema Definition Language (SDL)
Object Types
Defines the structure of data objects.
Queries and Mutations
Query Example: |
Mutation Example: |
Input Types
Used to define the structure of input arguments for mutations.
Queries in Detail
Basic Queries
A simple query to fetch a user’s name and email.
Passing arguments to filter or specify the data being fetched.
Rename the fields in the response.
Reusable units of query logic.
Inline Fragments
Used when dealing with interfaces or unions.
Mutations in Detail
Basic Mutations
A simple mutation to create a user.
Arguments and Input Types
Using input types for complex arguments.
Returning Updated Data
Mutations typically return the updated data.