Catalog / Popular Tools Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Popular Tools Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

A quick reference guide to the most commonly used shortcuts in popular development and design tools. Boost your productivity with these essential keyboard shortcuts!

VS Code Shortcuts


Ctrl+Shift+P (or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac)

Show Command Palette

Ctrl+P (or Cmd+P on Mac)

Go to File

Ctrl+Shift+N (or Cmd+Shift+N on Mac)

New Window/Instance

Ctrl+K Ctrl+W (or Cmd+K Cmd+W on Mac)

Close All Windows

Ctrl+S (or Cmd+S on Mac)


Ctrl+Shift+S (or Cmd+Shift+S on Mac)

Save As


Ctrl+X (or Cmd+X on Mac)

Cut line (empty selection)

Alt+Shift+Down/Up (or Option+Shift+Down/Up on Mac)

Copy line up/down

Ctrl+Shift+K (or Cmd+Shift+K on Mac)

Delete line

Ctrl+D (or Cmd+D on Mac)

Add selection to next find match

Ctrl+K Ctrl+U (or Cmd+K Cmd+U on Mac)

Transform to Uppercase

Ctrl+K Ctrl+L (or Cmd+K Cmd+L on Mac)

Transform to Lowercase


Ctrl+G (or Cmd+G on Mac)

Go to Line…

Ctrl+Shift+O (or Cmd+Shift+O on Mac)

Go to Symbol…

Ctrl+B (or Cmd+B on Mac)

Toggle Sidebar Visibility

Ctrl+Shift+E (or Cmd+Shift+E on Mac)

Show Explorer

Ctrl+Shift+F (or Cmd+Shift+F on Mac)

Show Search

Ctrl+Shift+G (or Cmd+Shift+G on Mac)

Show Source Control

Chrome DevTools Shortcuts


Ctrl+Shift+C (or Cmd+Shift+C on Mac)

Inspect Element

Ctrl+Shift+J (or Cmd+Option+J on Mac)

Open DevTools

Ctrl+Shift+M (or Cmd+Shift+M on Mac)

Toggle Device Toolbar

Ctrl+Shift+D (or Cmd+Shift+D on Mac)

Dock to Right/Bottom

Ctrl+Shift+P (or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac)

Run Command

Ctrl+S (or Cmd+S on Mac)

Save Changes (in Sources Panel)

Elements Panel


Toggle element visibility

Ctrl+C (or Cmd+C on Mac)

Copy element

Ctrl+V (or Cmd+V on Mac)

Paste element


Delete element


Edit as HTML

Tab / Shift+Tab

Indent/Unindent element

Console Panel

Up/Down Arrows

History navigation

Ctrl+L (or Cmd+K on Mac)

Clear console


New line without executing


Last result


Last evaluated expression

$0 - $4

Recently inspected elements

Git Shortcuts

Basic Commands

git status

Show modified files in working directory, staged for your next commit

git add .

Add all modified files to staging area

git commit -m "Your message"

Commit your staged content as a new revision with a descriptive message

git push origin <branch_name>

Send your committed changes to remote repository

git pull origin <branch_name>

Download remote changes and merge into your local repository

git clone <remote_url>

Clone repository from remote URL


git branch

List your local branches

git branch -a

List all branches (local and remote)

git checkout -b <new_branch_name>

Create a new branch and switch to it

git checkout <branch_name>

Switch to the specified branch

git merge <branch_name>

Merge the specified branch into the current branch

git branch -d <branch_name>

Delete the specified branch (local)


git stash

Stash your uncommitted changes temporarily

git stash list

List all your stashed changes

git stash pop

Apply the most recently stashed changes and remove it from the stash list

git stash apply

Apply the most recently stashed changes, keeping it in the stash list

git stash drop

Remove the most recently stashed changes

git stash clear

Remove all stashed changes

Adobe Photoshop Shortcuts



Move Tool


Marquee Tool


Lasso Tool


Magic Wand Tool


Crop Tool


Eyedropper Tool


Ctrl+Shift+N (or Cmd+Shift+N on Mac)

New Layer

Ctrl+J (or Cmd+J on Mac)

Duplicate Layer

Ctrl+G (or Cmd+G on Mac)

Create Clipping Mask

Ctrl+Shift+E (or Cmd+Shift+E on Mac)

Merge Visible Layers

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E (or Cmd+Option+Shift+E on Mac)

Merge Visible Layers Into New Layer

[ / ]

Select Previous/Next Layer

Image Adjustments

Ctrl+L (or Cmd+L on Mac)


Ctrl+M (or Cmd+M on Mac)


Ctrl+B (or Cmd+B on Mac)

Color Balance

Ctrl+U (or Cmd+U on Mac)


Ctrl+Shift+U (or Cmd+Shift+U on Mac)


Ctrl+I (or Cmd+I on Mac)
