Catalog / Popular Tools Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
Popular Tools Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
A quick reference guide to the most commonly used shortcuts in popular development and design tools. Boost your productivity with these essential keyboard shortcuts!
VS Code Shortcuts
Show Command Palette |
Go to File |
New Window/Instance |
Close All Windows |
Save |
Save As |
Cut line (empty selection) |
Copy line up/down |
Delete line |
Add selection to next find match |
Transform to Uppercase |
Transform to Lowercase |
Go to Line… |
Go to Symbol… |
Toggle Sidebar Visibility |
Show Explorer |
Show Search |
Show Source Control |
Chrome DevTools Shortcuts
Inspect Element |
Open DevTools |
Toggle Device Toolbar |
Dock to Right/Bottom |
Run Command |
Save Changes (in Sources Panel) |
Elements Panel
Toggle element visibility |
Copy element |
Paste element |
Delete element |
Edit as HTML |
Indent/Unindent element |
Console Panel
History navigation |
Clear console |
New line without executing |
Last result |
Last evaluated expression |
Recently inspected elements |
Git Shortcuts
Basic Commands
Show modified files in working directory, staged for your next commit |
Add all modified files to staging area |
Commit your staged content as a new revision with a descriptive message |
Send your committed changes to remote repository |
Download remote changes and merge into your local repository |
Clone repository from remote URL |
List your local branches |
List all branches (local and remote) |
Create a new branch and switch to it |
Switch to the specified branch |
Merge the specified branch into the current branch |
Delete the specified branch (local) |
Stash your uncommitted changes temporarily |
List all your stashed changes |
Apply the most recently stashed changes and remove it from the stash list |
Apply the most recently stashed changes, keeping it in the stash list |
Remove the most recently stashed changes |
Remove all stashed changes |
Adobe Photoshop Shortcuts
Move Tool |
Marquee Tool |
Lasso Tool |
Magic Wand Tool |
Crop Tool |
Eyedropper Tool |
New Layer |
Duplicate Layer |
Create Clipping Mask |
Merge Visible Layers |
Merge Visible Layers Into New Layer |
Select Previous/Next Layer |
Image Adjustments
Levels |
Curves |
Color Balance |
Hue/Saturation |
Desaturate |
Invert |