Catalog / Gatsby Cheatsheet
Gatsby Cheatsheet
A comprehensive cheat sheet for Gatsby, covering essential concepts, APIs, and commands to build performant React websites.
Gatsby Basics
Project Setup
Creating a new Gatsby site:
Starting the development server:
Building for production:
Serving the production build:
Cleaning the cache:
Gatsby CLI help:
File Structure
Key Concepts
GraphQL |
Gatsby uses GraphQL to query data. The |
Data Layer |
Gatsby’s data layer is built on GraphQL and allows you to source data from various sources like Markdown files, APIs, and databases. |
Plugins |
Plugins extend Gatsby’s functionality, such as adding support for different file types (e.g., Markdown) or connecting to external APIs. |
GraphQL Queries
Querying Data
Using page queries (for pages):
Common GraphQL Queries
Site Metadata |
All Markdown Remark |
File Query |
Image Sharp |
Filtering and Sorting
Filtering |
Use the
Sorting |
Use the
Gatsby Plugins
Essential Plugins
Configuring Plugins
Plugins are configured in
Using `gatsby-plugin-image`
StaticImage Component |
GatsbyImage Component |
Gatsby Advanced
Gatsby Node API
Deploying Gatsby Sites
Gatsby sites can be deployed to various platforms like Netlify, Vercel, GitHub Pages, and AWS Amplify. Netlify and Vercel offer excellent built-in support for Gatsby. |
Deploying to Netlify:
Deploying to Vercel:
SEO Considerations
Meta Descriptions |
Use |
Structured Data |
Implement structured data markup ( to help search engines understand your content. |
Image Optimization |
Use |