Catalog / Play Framework Cheat Sheet
Play Framework Cheat Sheet
A concise cheat sheet for the Play Framework, covering essential concepts, configurations, routing, controllers, views, and testing.
Core Concepts & Setup
Project Setup
Create a new Play project using the command-line:
Navigate to the project directory:
Run the Play application in development mode:
Directory Structure
Contains core application code like controllers, models, services. |
Configuration files, including |
Static assets like CSS, JavaScript, and images. |
Unit and integration tests. |
SBT build definition file. |
Configuration (application.conf)
Routes File
Basic Route Syntax
Maps a GET request to |
Maps a POST request to |
Serves static assets. |
Route Parameters
Simple path segment parameter. |
Path segment parameter with type (Int, Long, UUID, etc.). |
Query string parameter. |
Controller Basics (Scala)
A simple Scala controller:
Dependency Injection: Play uses constructor injection. The |
Controller Basics (Java)
A simple Java controller:
Dependency Injection: Play uses constructor injection. Annotate the constructor with |
Actions and Results
Represents a unit of work to be performed for an incoming request. |
Represents the outcome of an action, typically an HTTP response. |
Returns a 200 OK response with the given content. |
Returns a 400 Bad Request response. |
Returns a 303 See Other redirect to the given URL. |
Views and Templates
Templates (Twirl)
Play uses Twirl as its default template engine. Templates are located in the
Passing Data to Templates
In a controller (Scala):
Passes the string “Hello, Play!” to the |
In a controller (Java):
Passes the string “Hello, Play!” to the |
Template Directives
Used to introduce Scala expressions in a template. |
Used to define template parameters. |
Looping. |
Conditional statements. |
Define local variables. |