Catalog / Play Framework Cheat Sheet

Play Framework Cheat Sheet

A concise cheat sheet for the Play Framework, covering essential concepts, configurations, routing, controllers, views, and testing.

Core Concepts & Setup

Project Setup

Create a new Play project using the command-line:

 sbt new playframework/play-scala-seed.g8


 sbt new playframework/play-java-seed.g8

Navigate to the project directory:

cd <project-name>

Run the Play application in development mode:

sbt run

Directory Structure


Contains core application code like controllers, models, services.


Configuration files, including application.conf (main configuration) and routes (route definitions).


Static assets like CSS, JavaScript, and images.


Unit and integration tests.


SBT build definition file.

Configuration (application.conf)

The application.conf file is the primary configuration file. It uses the HOCON format."my-app"



Routes File

The routes file defines how URLs are mapped to controller actions.

# Routes
# This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)
# ~~~~~

# An example: 
GET   /clients/:id Long)

Basic Route Syntax

GET /path controllers.MyController.action

Maps a GET request to /path to MyController.action().

POST /submit controllers.MyController.submit

Maps a POST request to /submit to MyController.submit().

* /assets controllers.Assets.versioned(path="/public", file:Asset)

Serves static assets.

Route Parameters


Simple path segment parameter.


Path segment parameter with type (Int, Long, UUID, etc.).


Query string parameter.


Controller Basics (Scala)

A simple Scala controller:

package controllers

import play.api.mvc._

import javax.inject._

class HomeController @Inject()(val controllerComponents: ControllerComponents) extends BaseController {
  def index() = Action { implicit request: Request[AnyContent] =>
    Ok("Hello, Play!")

Dependency Injection: Play uses constructor injection. The @Inject annotation and Singleton ensure the controller is created only once.

Controller Basics (Java)

A simple Java controller:

package controllers;

import play.mvc.*;

import javax.inject.Inject;

public class HomeController extends Controller {
  public Result index() {
    return ok("Hello, Play!");

Dependency Injection: Play uses constructor injection. Annotate the constructor with @Inject.

Actions and Results


Represents a unit of work to be performed for an incoming request.


Represents the outcome of an action, typically an HTTP response.


Returns a 200 OK response with the given content.


Returns a 400 Bad Request response.


Returns a 303 See Other redirect to the given URL.

Views and Templates

Templates (Twirl)

Play uses Twirl as its default template engine. Templates are located in the views directory and have a .scala.html extension.

@(message: String)


Passing Data to Templates

In a controller (Scala):

Ok(views.html.index("Hello, Play!"))

Passes the string “Hello, Play!” to the index.scala.html template.

In a controller (Java):

return ok(views.html.index.render("Hello, Play!"));

Passes the string “Hello, Play!” to the index.scala.html template.

Template Directives


Used to introduce Scala expressions in a template.


Used to define template parameters.

@for(item <- items) { ... }


@if(condition) { ... } else { ... }

Conditional statements.

@defining(value) { ... }

Define local variables.