Catalog / Regex and Text Manipulation Cheat Sheet

Regex and Text Manipulation Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering regular expressions and text manipulation techniques. Learn how to effectively search, extract, and modify text using various tools and methods.

Regex Basics



Escapes the next character.


Matches the beginning of the string or line.


Matches the end of the string or line.


Matches any single character except newline.


Alternation (OR operator).


Grouping and capturing.


Character class (matches any character within the brackets).


Quantifier (specifies how many occurrences to match).

*, +, ?

Quantifiers: * (0 or more), + (1 or more), ? (0 or 1).

Character Classes


Matches any digit (0-9).


Matches any non-digit character.


Matches any word character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _).


Matches any non-word character.


Matches any whitespace character (space, tab, newline).


Matches any non-whitespace character.


Matches a, b, or c.


Matches any character except a, b, or c.


Matches any lowercase letter.



Matches 0 or more occurrences.


Matches 1 or more occurrences.


Matches 0 or 1 occurrence.


Matches exactly n occurrences.


Matches n or more occurrences.


Matches between n and m occurrences (inclusive).

Advanced Regex

Grouping and Capturing


Creates a capturing group. The matched text within the parentheses can be referenced later.

\1, \2, etc.

Backreferences to the captured groups. \1 refers to the first group, \2 to the second, and so on.


Non-capturing group. Groups the pattern but doesn’t capture the matched text.



Positive lookahead. Matches if the pattern follows the current position, but doesn’t include the pattern in the match.


Negative lookahead. Matches if the pattern does not follow the current position.


Positive lookbehind. Matches if the pattern precedes the current position, but doesn’t include the pattern in the match.


Negative lookbehind. Matches if the pattern does not precede the current position.



Case-insensitive matching.


Global matching (find all matches instead of stopping after the first).


Multiline mode ( ^ and $ match the start and end of each line).


Dotall mode ( . matches any character, including newline).

Text Manipulation Tools

Common Tools

grep: A command-line tool for searching text using regular expressions.
sed: A stream editor for performing text transformations using regular expressions.
awk: A programming language designed for text processing and data extraction.

Grep Examples

grep 'pattern' file.txt - Searches for ‘pattern’ in file.txt.

grep -i 'pattern' file.txt - Case-insensitive search.

grep -r 'pattern' directory/ - Recursive search in a directory.

grep -v 'pattern' file.txt - Invert match (show lines that do NOT contain the pattern).

grep -E 'pattern1|pattern2' file.txt - Search for either pattern1 or pattern2 (extended regex).

Sed Examples

sed 's/old/new/g' file.txt - Replace all occurrences of ‘old’ with ‘new’ in file.txt.

sed 's/old/new/gi' file.txt - Case-insensitive global replacement.

sed '/pattern/d' file.txt - Delete lines containing ‘pattern’.

sed 's/^/# /' file.txt - Add a ‘#’ at the beginning of each line.

sed 's/\.$/!/g' file.txt - Replace a period at the end of a line with an exclamation mark.

Programming Languages

Python Regex

import re

# Matching
pattern = r"hello"
string = "hello world"
match =, string)
if match:
    print("Match found:",

# Replacing
new_string = re.sub(pattern, "goodbye", string)

# Splitting
words = re.split(r"\s+", string)

JavaScript Regex

// Matching
const pattern = /hello/;
const string = "hello world";
const match = string.match(pattern);
if (match) {
    console.log("Match found:", match[0]);

// Replacing
const newString = string.replace(pattern, "goodbye");

// Testing
const testResult = pattern.test(string);
console.log("Test result:", testResult);

Ruby Regex

# Matching
pattern = /hello/
string = "hello world"
match = string.match(pattern)
if match
    puts "Match found: #{match[0]}"

# Replacing
new_string = string.gsub(pattern, "goodbye")
puts new_string

# Splitting
words = string.split(/\s+/)
puts words