Catalog / Collocations Cheat Sheet

Collocations Cheat Sheet

A concise guide to understanding and using collocations effectively. This cheat sheet provides examples and categories to enhance your vocabulary and writing skills.

Understanding Collocations


Collocations: Words that frequently occur together.

Understanding and using collocations improves fluency and makes your language sound more natural.

Types of Collocations

Adverb + Adjective

utterly ridiculous

Adjective + Noun

heavy rain

Noun + Noun

a bar of soap

Noun + Verb

lions roar

Verb + Noun

commit suicide

Verb + Expression with Preposition

burst into tears

Verb + Adverb

wave frantically

Why Use Collocations?

  • Sound Natural: Using collocations makes your English sound more authentic.
  • Enhance Clarity: They help you express ideas more precisely.
  • Improve Writing: Collocations add sophistication to your writing.

Common Collocations by Category


Spend time

Spend time wisely

Kill time

Kill time reading

Make time

Make time for hobbies

In the meantime

In the meantime, we wait

Time flies

Time flies so fast


Make money

Make money online

Save money

Save money for future

Waste money

Waste money on useless things

Invest money

Invest money wisely

Earn money

Earn money through hard work


Heavy rain

Heavy rain is falling

Strong wind

Strong wind is blowing

Light snow

Light snow is expected

Freezing cold

Freezing cold weather

Scorching heat

Scorching heat in the desert

More Examples and Usage

Collocations with 'Take'

Take a break

It’s important to take a break during work.

Take a chance

I decided to take a chance on the new job offer.

Take responsibility

He needs to take responsibility for his actions.

Take care

Take care and see you soon!

Collocations with 'Do'

Do homework

Remember to do your homework.

Do a favor

Can you do me a favor?

Do your best

Just do your best.

Do business

They do business internationally.

Collocations with 'Get'

Get ready

Get ready for the party!

Get started

Let’s get started on the project.

Get together

We should get together soon.

Get in touch

Get in touch when you can.

Tips for Learning Collocations

Effective Strategies

  • Read Widely: Expose yourself to a variety of texts to see collocations in context.
  • Note Collocations: When you encounter a new collocation, write it down with its context.
  • Use a Dictionary: Consult a collocation dictionary to find common word pairings.
  • Practice Regularly: Use collocations in your own writing and speaking.
  • Real-life examples: Look for collocations in newspapers, movies, and conversations.


  • Collocation Dictionaries: Oxford Collocations Dictionary, Macmillan Collocations Dictionary.
  • Online Resources: Websites and apps dedicated to learning collocations.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Literal Translation: Avoid translating word-for-word from your native language.
  • Mixing Collocations: Be careful not to mix up similar collocations.
  • Ignoring Context: Always consider the context when using collocations.