Catalog / TYPO3 CMS Cheat Sheet

TYPO3 CMS Cheat Sheet

A quick reference guide for TYPO3 CMS, covering essential concepts, TypoScript, Fluid templating, and common tasks for developers and editors.

TYPO3 Fundamentals

Core Concepts

Page Tree:
The hierarchical structure that organizes website content. Each page in the tree represents a page on the website.

Content Elements (CEs):
Individual pieces of content (text, images, etc.) that are added to pages. Also known as ‘Elements’.

The configuration language used to control how content is rendered. Allows for dynamic generation of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The templating engine used in TYPO3. It separates the presentation layer from the logic.

Reusable components that extend TYPO3’s functionality. Can be installed and configured to add features like blogs, forms, or e-commerce capabilities.

Backend Layouts:
Define the structure of the content area in the TYPO3 backend, dictating where content elements can be placed.

Key Directories


Contains configuration files, including LocalConfiguration.php and AdditionalConfiguration.php.


Temporary files and cache. Clear this directory to resolve many common issues.


Default location for uploaded files (images, documents, etc.). Can be configured.


Location for extensions installed via composer.


Default web root. Where index.php and other public files are located. (May vary depending on server setup)

Backend Navigation

Page Module: Used to manage the page tree and content elements on a specific page.

List Module: Provides a detailed view of all records in a table, allowing for filtering and editing.

Filelist Module: Manages files and folders in the file system.

Template Module: Edit TypoScript templates.

Extension Manager: Install, configure, and manage extensions.

Admin Tools: Various admin tools like clearing cache, system information, install tool etc.

TypoScript Essentials

Basic Syntax

page = PAGE

Assigns a new PAGE object. PAGE is a TypoScript object type.

page.10 = TEXT

Assigns a TEXT object to the property 10 of the page object.

page.10.value = Hello World

Sets the value property of the TEXT object to ‘Hello World’.

<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:fileadmin/template/setup.typoscript">

Includes TypoScript from an external file.

[globalVar = TSFE:id = 1]

Conditional statement: Checks if the current page ID is 1.

lib.myMenu = HMENU

Creates a menu object called ‘myMenu’.

Common Objects

Defines the overall structure of the HTML page.

Outputs plain text.

Renders an image. Can be configured to resize, crop, etc.

Renders content elements from the database.

Generates a navigation menu.

Allows calling a user-defined function within TypoScript (cached). USER is similar but uncached.

Example Configuration

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = Hello World
page.10.wrap = <h1>|</h1>

page.includeCSS {
  main = fileadmin/css/style.css

This TypoScript configuration creates a basic HTML page with a heading ‘Hello World’ and includes a CSS file.

Fluid Templating

Basic Syntax

<f:if condition=”{variable}”>…</f:if>

Conditional statement. Renders content only if the condition is true.

<f:for each=”{items}” as=“item”>…</f:for>

Looping construct. Iterates over an array or object.

< pageUid=“123”>Link to Page</>

Creates a link to a TYPO3 page with UID 123.

<f:translate key=“LLL:EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:my_label” />

Translates a label using localization files.

< format=”%d.%m.%Y”>{date}</>

Formats a date variable.

{variable -> f:format.html()}

Formats a variable to HTML, escaping potentially dangerous characters.


f:if: Conditional rendering.

f:for: Looping through data. Creating internal links.

f:link.external: Creating external links.

f:translate: Localizing text.

f:format.*: Various formatting ViewHelpers (date, number, html, etc.).

Example Template

<f:layout name="Default" />

<f:section name="Main">
  <f:for each="{contentElements}" as="contentElement">
    <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.contentElement" data="{contentElement}" />

This example demonstrates a basic Fluid template with a layout, a section for the main content, and a loop that renders content elements using f:cObject.

Common Tasks

Clearing Cache

TYPO3 caches content and configuration for performance. Clearing the cache is often necessary after making changes.

Use the ‘clear cache’ menu in the top bar of the backend.

Install Tool:
Navigate to the Install Tool and use the ‘Clear all caches’ functionality.

config.disableAll = 1 (for development, disables caching)

Use the typo3 cache:flush command.

Working with Content Elements

Adding a CE

In the Page module, click the ‘+’ icon in the content area to add a new content element.

Editing a CE

Click on a content element in the Page module to edit its properties.

Moving a CE

Drag and drop content elements within the content area to change their order. Alternatively use the up/down arrows.

Deleting a CE

Click the delete icon (trash can) on a content element to remove it.

Hiding/Disabling a CE

Use the enable/disable icon(eye icon) to hide a CE.

Extension Management

Installing an extension:
Use the Extension Manager module to search for and install extensions from the TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER) or via composer.

Configuring an extension:
Many extensions have configuration options that can be set in the Extension Manager or via TypoScript.

Updating an extension:
The Extension Manager can be used to update extensions to the latest versions.

Uninstalling an extension:
Use the Extension Manager to uninstall extensions that are no longer needed.