Catalog / Safari Browser Shortcuts Cheatsheet

Safari Browser Shortcuts Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential Safari browser shortcuts for improved productivity and navigation on macOS.

General Navigation

Basic Navigation Shortcuts

Cmd + L

Select the address bar for typing a new URL or search query.

Cmd + R

Reload the current page.

Cmd + Shift + R

Reload the current page, ignoring cached content.

Cmd + . (period)

Stop loading the current page.

Cmd + [

Go back to the previous page in history.

Cmd + ]

Go forward to the next page in history.


Scroll down the current page.

Shift + Spacebar

Scroll up the current page.

Tab Management

Cmd + T

Open a new tab.

Cmd + W

Close the current tab.

Cmd + Shift + T

Reopen the last closed tab.

Cmd + Number

Switch to the tab corresponding to the number (e.g., Cmd + 1).

Cmd + Shift + ] or Cmd + Shift + [

Switch to the next or previous tab.

Cmd + Option + Number

Opens specified tab number if exists.

Finding and Searching

In-Page Search

Cmd + F

Open the in-page search bar.

Cmd + G

Find the next occurrence of the search term.

Cmd + Shift + G

Find the previous occurrence of the search term.

Safari Search

Cmd + Option + F

Perform a search using the default search engine.

Safari Reader & Zoom

Reader View

Shift + Cmd + R

Enter or exit Reader View for simplified reading.

Zoom Controls

Cmd + + (plus)

Zoom in on the current page.

Cmd + - (minus)

Zoom out on the current page.

Cmd + 0 (zero)

Reset zoom to the default level.

History & Downloads

History Management

Cmd + Y

Open the History window.


Cmd + Option + L

Show the Downloads window.