Catalog / Koa.js Cheatsheet
Koa.js Cheatsheet
A comprehensive cheat sheet for Koa.js, covering essential concepts, middleware, routing, and common functionalities.
Koa.js Fundamentals
Basic Setup
Import Koa:
Starting the server:
Basic middleware:
Context Object
Koa Request object (similar to Node’s |
Koa Response object (similar to Node’s |
Shorthand for setting response body ( |
Shorthand for setting response status ( |
Object containing route parameters. |
Middleware is a function that will be invoked on every request.
Middleware execution order is determined by the order in which they are added to the app. |
Use |
Routing in Koa
Basic Routing
Route parameters:
HTTP Methods
Handles GET requests. |
Handles POST requests. |
Handles PUT requests. |
Handles DELETE requests. |
Handles PATCH requests. |
Route Middleware
Applying middleware to specific routes:
Working with Request & Response
Request Body
Parsing request body using
Ensure |
Response Headers
Sets a response header field. |
Gets a request header field. |
Sets the Content-Type response header. |
Sets the Content-Disposition to ‘attachment’ to signal the client to download the file. |
Setting cookies:
Getting cookies:
Signed cookies require setting a
Error Handling
Basic Error Handling
Emitting errors for centralized logging: |
Custom Error Pages
Throws an error with the specified status and message. Example: |
Alternative way to set status and body for custom error pages. |
Error Middleware
Example error-handling middleware: