Catalog / Command-Line & Shell Cheatsheet
Command-Line & Shell Cheatsheet
A comprehensive guide to navigating and utilizing command-line interfaces, covering essential commands, shell scripting, and environment management for increased productivity.
Navigation & File Management
Basic Navigation
Print Working Directory - Displays the current directory path. |
Change Directory - Navigates to the specified directory. Use |
List - Displays files and directories in the current directory. Use |
Represents the current directory. |
Represents the parent directory. |
Represents the user’s home directory. |
File Operations
Make Directory - Creates a new directory. |
Creates a new empty file. |
Copy - Copies a file or directory from source to destination. Use |
Move/Rename - Moves a file or directory, or renames it if the destination is in the same directory. |
Remove - Deletes a file. Use with caution. Use |
Create a symbolic link. A symbolic link (also known as a soft link) is a type of file that contains a reference to another file or directory in the form of an absolute or relative path. |
File Content Examination
Concatenate - Displays the entire content of a file. |
Displays the first few lines of a file (default 10 lines). |
Displays the last few lines of a file (default 10 lines). |
Opens a file in a pager, allowing you to navigate through the content. Use |
Word Count - Displays the number of lines, words, and characters in a file. |
Determines the file type. |
Searching & Filtering
Basic Searching
Globally search a Regular Expression and Print. Searches for a specific pattern in a file. |
Finds files in a directory hierarchy based on the specified name. |
Finds files by name using a pre-built database. Requires the |
Locates the executable file associated with a command. |
Locates the binary, source, and manual page files for a command. |
Searches command history for a specific pattern. |
Filtering and Redirection
Passes the output of one command as input to another command. Example: |
Redirects the output of a command to a file, overwriting the file if it exists. Example: |
Appends the output of a command to a file. Example: |
Redirects standard error to a file. Example: |
Redirects both standard output and standard error to a file. Example: |
Sorts the lines of a text file. Example: |
Advanced Text Manipulation
Stream EDitor - A powerful tool for text transformation. Example: |
Pattern scanning and processing language - Useful for extracting and manipulating data from text files. Example: |
Removes sections from each line of files. |
Translates or deletes characters. Example: |
Reports or omits repeated lines. Often used with sort. |
Shell Scripting
Basic Script Structure
Every shell script typically starts with a shebang (
Make the script executable: |
Variable Assignment |
Example: |
Accessing Variables |
Example: |
Read-only Variables |
Example: |
Unsetting Variables |
Example: |
Environment Variables |
Variables that are set in the environment and available to all processes. Examples: |
Control Structures
Defining a Function |
Calling a Function |
Passing Arguments |
Inside the function: Example: |
Returning Values |
Use |
Reading Input |
Printing Output |
Formatted output |
Example: |
System Information & Process Management
System Information
Displays kernel information. |
Displays the system’s hostname. |
Shows how long the system has been running, along with the current time and average system load. |
Displays disk space usage in a human-readable format. |
Displays memory usage in megabytes. |
Displays the current user. |
Process Management
Displays a snapshot of the current processes. |
Displays a dynamic real-time view of running processes. Press |
An interactive process viewer. Must be installed separately on most systems. |
Sends a signal to a process, usually to terminate it. Use |
Kills processes by name. |
Resumes a suspended process in the background. |
Moves a background process to the foreground. |
Lists the active jobs. |
User and Group Management
Displays user and group IDs. |
Displays the groups a user belongs to. |
Changes the user’s password. |
Executes a command with superuser privileges. |
Substitute User - Allows switching to another user account. |