Catalog / Symfony Cheat Sheet
Symfony Cheat Sheet
A quick reference guide for Symfony, covering essential concepts, commands, and configurations.
Basic Commands
Console Commands
Lists all available console commands. |
Displays help for a specific command. |
Generates a new controller. |
Creates a new entity. |
Executes pending database migrations. |
Clears the application cache. |
Starts the built-in PHP web server. |
Lists all defined routes. |
Environment Variables
Environment variables are defined in Example:
In your code:
Route Annotations
Example of using annotations for routing in a controller:
Route Parameters
Required Parameter |
Optional Parameter |
Parameter with Requirements |
Generating URLs
Generating URLs in your code:
Controllers and Views
Controller Basics
A simple controller example:
Passing Data to Templates
Example of passing data to a Twig template:
Services and Dependency Injection
Defining Services
Services are typically defined in
Using Services
In a Controller: |
Autowiring |
Symfony automatically injects services based on type hints. |
Service Tags
Example of tagging a service: