Catalog / Hebrew Language Basics Cheatsheet
Hebrew Language Basics Cheatsheet
A concise reference guide to essential Hebrew vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, designed to help beginners quickly grasp the fundamentals of the language.
The Hebrew Alphabet (Aleph-Bet)
א (Aleph) |
Silent (sometimes a glottal stop) |
ב (Bet/Vet) |
B (with dagesh), V (without dagesh) |
ג (Gimel) |
G (as in 'go') |
ד (Dalet) |
D (as in 'dog') |
ה (He) |
H (as in 'hat') |
ו (Vav) |
V (as in 'van'), also used as a vowel (O or U) |
ז (Zayin) |
Z (as in 'zebra') |
ח (Chet) |
A guttural sound, like a raspy H |
ט (Tet) |
T (as in 'top') |
More Consonants
י (Yod) |
Y (as in 'yes'), also used as a vowel (I or E) |
כ/ך (Kaf/Khaf) |
K (with dagesh), CH (without dagesh, as in 'Bach') |
ל (Lamed) |
L (as in 'leg') |
מ/ם (Mem) |
M (as in 'man') |
נ/ן (Nun) |
N (as in 'no') |
ס (Samekh) |
S (as in 'sun') |
ע (Ayin) |
A guttural sound, often silent |
פ/ף (Pe/Fe) |
P (with dagesh), F (without dagesh) |
צ/ץ (Tsadi) |
TS (as in 'cats') |
Final Consonants and Pronunciation Notes
ק (Qof) |
K (more guttural than Kaf) |
ר (Resh) |
R (often a guttural R, similar to French) |
ש (Shin/Sin) |
SH (with dot on right), S (with dot on left) |
ת (Tav) |
T (as in 'tea') |
Final Forms |
Letters Kaf, Mem, Nun, Pe, and Tsadi have different forms when they appear at the end of a word. |
Dagesh |
A dot inside Bet, Kaf, or Pe changes the pronunciation (B, K, P). |
Basic Hebrew Vocabulary
Shalom (שלום) |
Hello, Goodbye, Peace |
Boker Tov (בוקר טוב) |
Good Morning |
Erev Tov (ערב טוב) |
Good Evening |
Laila Tov (לילה טוב) |
Good Night |
Ma Nishma? (מה נשמע?) |
What's up? (masculine) |
Ma Nishmat? (מה נשמעת?) |
What's up? (feminine) |
Beseder (בסדר) |
Okay, Alright |
Toda (תודה) |
Thank you |
Bevakasha (בבקשה) |
You're welcome, Please |
Basic Phrases
Ken (כן) |
Yes |
Lo (לא) |
No |
Efshar (אפשר) |
Possible, Can |
Slicha (סליחה) |
Excuse me, Sorry |
Ani lo medaber/medaberet Ivrit (אני לא מדבר/מדברת עברית) |
I don't speak Hebrew (m/f) |
Eich korim lecha/lach? (איך קוראים לך?) |
What's your name? (m/f) |
Shmi... (שמי...) |
My name is... |
Ma shlomcha/shlomech? (מה שלומך?) |
How are you? (m/f) |
Ani tov/tova (אני טוב/טובה) |
I'm good (m/f) |
Numbers 1-10
Echad (אחד) |
One |
Shtayim (שניים) |
Two |
Shalosh (שלוש) |
Three |
Arba (ארבע) |
Four |
Hamesh (חמש) |
Five |
Shesh (שש) |
Six |
Sheva (שבע) |
Seven |
Shmone (שמונה) |
Eight |
Tesha (תשע) |
Nine |
Eser (עשר) |
Ten |
Basic Hebrew Grammar
Hebrew nouns and adjectives have grammatical gender: masculine and feminine.
Ani (אני) |
I |
Ata (אתה) |
You (masculine) |
At (את) |
You (feminine) |
Hu (הוא) |
He |
Hi (היא) |
She |
Anachnu (אנחנו) |
We |
Atem (אתם) |
You (masculine plural) |
Aten (אתן) |
You (feminine plural) |
Hem (הם) |
They (masculine) |
Hen (הן) |
They (feminine) |
Verb Conjugation (Present Tense - Simple)
Hebrew verbs conjugate based on gender and number.
Additional Useful Phrases
Asking for Help
Eifo ha sherutim? (איפה השירותים?) |
Where is the bathroom? |
Eich omrim...? (איך אומרים...?) |
How do you say...? |
Eizo sha'a? (איזו שעה?) |
What time is it? |
Efshar le'kabel...? (אפשר לקבל...?) |
Can I have...? |
Kama ze oleh? (כמה זה עולה?) |
How much does it cost? |
Ani tzarich/tzricha ezra (אני צריך/צריכה עזרה) |
I need help (m/f) |
Le'hatzil! (להציל!) |
Help! (in emergency) |
Food and Drink
Ochel (אוכל) |
Food |
Mayim (מים) |
Water |
Lechem (לחם) |
Bread |
Basar (בשר) |
Meat |
Salat (סלט) |
Salad |
Cafe (קפה) |
Coffee |
Te (תה) |
Tea |
Bira (בירה) |
Beer |
Yashar (ישר) |
Straight |
Smola (שמאלה) |
Left |
Yemina (ימינה) |
Right |
Kan (כאן) |
Here |
Sham (שם) |
There |
Le'yad (ליד) |
Next to, Near |