Catalog / Google Chrome Browser Shortcuts
Google Chrome Browser Shortcuts
A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential Google Chrome browser shortcuts to enhance your browsing experience and productivity.
General Navigation
Basic Navigation
Open a new window |
Open a new tab |
Reopen the last closed tab |
Close the current tab |
Close the current window |
Switch to the next tab |
Switch to the previous tab |
Go back in history |
Go forward in history |
Tab Management
Switch to the specified tab number |
Switch to the last tab |
Move current tab to the left |
Move current tab to the right |
Perform a search |
Select the address bar |
Page Actions
Basic Page Actions
Print the current page |
Save the current page |
Reload the current page |
Force reload the current page (bypassing cache) |
Stop loading the current page |
Find on the current page |
Find the next match on the page |
Find the previous match on the page |
View page source |
Zoom and Full Screen
Zoom in |
Zoom out |
Reset zoom to default |
Toggle full-screen mode |
Advanced Features
Developer Tools
Open Developer Tools |
Open Developer Tools to the Console tab |
Toggle Inspect element |
Other Functions
Open History page |
Open Downloads page |
Open Clear Browsing Data dialog |
Bookmark the current page |
Toggle the Bookmarks bar |
Open Guest window |
Text & Input
Text Manipulation
Delete the previous word |
Delete the next word |
Turn on caret browsing |