Catalog / API Documentation Cheatsheet
API Documentation Cheatsheet
A quick reference guide for technical writers creating API documentation, covering key elements, templates, and best practices.
Core Elements of API Documentation
The introduction should clearly state the purpose of the API and its intended audience. Briefly explain what the API allows developers to do. Example: |
Include a brief overview of the key features and functionalities offered by the API. |
Provide a clear link to the getting started guide or a quick start tutorial to help developers start using the API. |
Clearly explain the authentication methods supported by the API (e.g., API keys, OAuth 2.0). Provide step-by-step instructions on how to obtain and use the credentials. Example: |
Describe the different scopes or permissions required for various API endpoints and how to request them. |
Provide code examples for authentication in different programming languages. |
Each endpoint should be documented with its HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), URL, request parameters (including data types and descriptions), and response format. Example: Returns detailed information about a specific product. |
Clearly state whether each parameter is required or optional. |
Provide example requests and responses in JSON or XML format. |
API Documentation Templates
OpenAPI (formerly Swagger) is a widely used specification for defining RESTful APIs. Use it to create interactive documentation with tools like Swagger UI. Key components:
Use YAML or JSON format to define the API specification. |
Utilize tools like Swagger Editor and Swagger Codegen to generate documentation and server stubs from the OpenAPI definition. |
RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) is another specification for designing and documenting APIs. It focuses on API resources and methods. Key features:
Use RAML workbench to create and validate RAML specifications. |
Generate documentation from RAML using tools like raml2html. |
Markdown is a lightweight markup language that can be used to create simple and readable API documentation. Use tools like MkDocs or Read the Docs to generate static documentation sites from Markdown files. Benefits:
Use code blocks to include example requests and responses. |
Incorporate diagrams and flowcharts using Markdown extensions or external tools. |
Best Practices for API Documentation
Maintain a consistent style and tone throughout the documentation. Use a consistent format for describing endpoints, parameters, and responses. Example: |
Follow a style guide (e.g., Google Developer Documentation Style Guide) to ensure consistency in grammar, punctuation, and word usage. |
Use a consistent naming convention for API resources and methods. |
Write clear and concise descriptions. Avoid jargon and technical terms that developers may not understand. Example: |
Use visual aids such as diagrams, flowcharts, and screenshots to explain complex concepts. |
Provide real-world use cases and examples to help developers understand how to use the API in their applications. |
Ensure that the documentation accurately reflects the behavior of the API. Keep the documentation up-to-date with the latest changes. Example: |
Test the code examples in the documentation to ensure that they work correctly. |
Regularly review the documentation for errors and inconsistencies. |
Advanced API Documentation Techniques
Interactive Documentation
Integrate interactive API consoles (e.g., Swagger UI, Postman) into the documentation to allow developers to test API endpoints directly from the browser. Benefits:
Provide clear instructions on how to use the interactive console. |
Include pre-filled example requests to get developers started. |
SDKs and Libraries
Provide SDKs (Software Development Kits) and client libraries for popular programming languages to simplify API integration. Benefits:
Document the SDKs and libraries with code examples and usage instructions. |
Maintain and update the SDKs and libraries to support the latest API features. |
Implement API versioning to allow for backward-compatible changes. Clearly document the different API versions and their features. Versioning strategies:
Provide a migration guide for developers who want to upgrade to a newer API version. |
Deprecate old API versions gracefully and provide a timeline for their removal. |