Catalog / PrestaShop Cheatsheet

PrestaShop Cheatsheet

A quick reference guide for PrestaShop, covering essential features, modules, customization options, and common tasks.

Core Concepts & Navigation

Admin Panel Overview

The PrestaShop admin panel is the central hub for managing your store.

Key areas include:

  • Dashboard: Provides an overview of store activity, sales, and key metrics.
  • Catalog: Manage products, categories, attributes, and features.
  • Orders: View and manage customer orders, invoices, and delivery slips.
  • Customers: Manage customer accounts, addresses, and groups.
  • Modules: Install, configure, and manage modules to extend store functionality.
  • Design: Customize the store’s appearance with themes and templates.
  • Shipping: Configure shipping carriers, prices, and handling.
  • Payment: Set up payment methods and manage transactions.
  • International: Configure store localization, currencies, and languages.
  • Shop Parameters: Configure general store settings, SEO, and maintenance.
  • Advanced Parameters: Manage performance, database, and other technical settings.

Navigating the Backend

Left Menu:

Provides access to all major sections of the admin panel.

Search Bar:

Quickly find specific settings, products, or modules.

Quick Access Menu:

Create shortcuts to frequently used pages.

Basic Configuration

Initial setup involves configuring:

  • Store Name: Under Shop Parameters > General
  • Contact Information: Under Shop Parameters > Contact
  • Currencies: Under International > Localization
  • Languages: Under International > Localization
  • Payment Methods: Under Payment > Payment Methods
  • Shipping Carriers: Under Shipping > Carriers

Product Management

Adding a New Product

  1. Navigate to Catalog > Products
  2. Click ‘Add new product’
  3. Enter basic information: Name, Type (Standard, Pack, Virtual, Combinations).
  4. Fill out the ‘Basic settings’ Tab: product description, images, features, pricing.
  5. Go to ‘Quantities’ Tab: set quantities, min quantity for purchase.
  6. ‘Shipping’ Tab: set shipping options, weight, dimensions, shipping fees, available carriers.
  7. ‘Pricing’ Tab: add price details, taxes, cost per item.
  8. Click ‘Save’.

Product Options & Combinations


Define characteristics like color, size, or material.


Highlight specific product details (e.g., screen resolution, processor speed).


Create variations of a product based on attributes (e.g., a t-shirt available in different sizes and colors).

Managing Categories

  1. Go to Catalog > Categories.
  2. Add new categories using ‘Add new category’.
  3. Assign products to categories.
  4. Set category’s parent.
  5. Enable or disable categories.

Module Management

Installing Modules

  1. Go to Modules > Module Manager.
  2. Upload a module from your computer using the ‘Upload a module’ button, or select modules from the module catalog.
  3. Configure module settings. Some modules may require configuration for proper operation.

Essential Modules

Payment Modules:

Enable payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, or bank transfer.

Shipping Modules:

Integrate with shipping carriers like UPS, FedEx, or USPS.

SEO Modules:

Optimize your store for search engines.

Marketing Modules:

Implement promotional campaigns, discounts, and loyalty programs.

Module Configuration

  1. Navigate to Modules > Module Manager.
  2. Locate the module.
  3. Click configure to access module settings.

Theme Customization

Theme Selection

  1. Go to Design > Theme & Logo.
  2. Choose a default theme. PrestaShop offers a selection of free and paid themes.
  3. Preview the theme before activating it. If you want a theme that is not offered, you can upload a theme from your computer.

Theme Customization Options

Live Configurator:

Customize colors, fonts, and layout in real-time.

Theme Editor:

Modify theme files (CSS, JavaScript, and templates) for advanced customization. Requires technical knowledge.

Logo Configuration:

Upload logo files from Design > Theme & Logo.

Managing Hooks

  1. Go to Design > Positions.
  2. Hooks allow modules to ‘hook’ into specific locations on your store’s pages. Modules can be attached or detached from hooks in this area.