Catalog / Tor Browser Keyboard Shortcuts Cheatsheet
Tor Browser Keyboard Shortcuts Cheatsheet
A quick reference guide to keyboard shortcuts for Tor Browser, enhancing privacy and security while browsing the internet.
General Navigation Shortcuts
Basic Navigation
Open a new tab. |
Close the current tab. |
Switch to the next tab. |
Switch to the previous tab. |
Open a new Tor Browser window. |
Open a new private window. |
Page Navigation
Go back one page in history. |
Go forward one page in history. |
Reload the current page. |
Stop loading the current page. |
Open the in-page search bar. |
Find the next match in the page (when using the search bar). |
Tor Specific Shortcuts
Identity and Circuit
Request a new Tor circuit for the current site. |
Change Tor identity. This will restart the browser. |
Open the OnionShare tool (if installed). |
Security Features
Toggle letterboxing (to prevent screen size tracking). |
Open the Tor Browser’s security settings. |
Zoom in on the current page. |
Zoom out on the current page. |
Reset zoom to default. |
Advanced Shortcuts
Developer Tools & Debugging
Open the Inspector (Developer Tools). |
Open the Inspector in pick an element mode. |
Toggle the Developer Tools. |
History & Downloads
Open browsing history. |
Open the downloads window. |
Bookmark the current page. |
Toggle the Bookmarks Toolbar. |
Open the Bookmarks sidebar. |
Text and Focus Shortcuts
Text Manipulation
Copy selected text. |
Cut selected text. |
Paste text from the clipboard. |
Select all text. |
Focus and Accessibility
Cycle through browser elements (address bar, content, etc.). |
Move focus to the previous element with keyboard navigation enabled. |