Catalog / C++ Cheatsheet
C++ Cheatsheet
A comprehensive cheat sheet for C++ programming, covering syntax, data structures, standard library functions, and common algorithms.
Language Fundamentals
Basic Syntax
Include Header |
Main Function |
Output to Console |
Variables Declaration |
Comments |
Input from Console |
Data Types
Integer numbers |
Floating-point numbers |
Double-precision floating-point numbers |
Single characters |
Boolean values ( |
Sequence of characters (from |
Arithmetic Operators: |
Assignment Operators: |
Comparison Operators: |
Logical Operators: |
Increment/Decrement Operators: |
Control Flow
Conditional Statements
If Statement |
If-Else Statement |
If-Else If-Else Statement |
Switch Statement |
For Loop |
While Loop |
Do-While Loop |
Break Statement |
Exits the loop. |
Continue Statement |
Skips the current iteration. |
Range-based for loop
Used to iterate over elements in a range (e.g., arrays, vectors).
Function Definition
Basic Structure |
Example: Add two integers |
Function Overloading
Defining multiple functions with the same name but different parameters.
Function Pointers
Definition |
Pointers that store the address of a function.
Lambda Expressions
Anonymous functions defined inline.
Standard Template Library (STL)
Dynamic array (from |
Doubly-linked list (from |
Double-ended queue (from |
Sorted set (from |
Associative array (from |
Hash table (from |
Sorts a range of elements (from
Finds the first occurrence of a value in a range (from
Applies a function to a range of elements (from