Catalog / macOS Keyboard Shortcuts Cheatsheet

macOS Keyboard Shortcuts Cheatsheet

A handy cheat sheet covering essential macOS keyboard shortcuts for improved productivity and efficient navigation.

System-Wide Shortcuts

Basic Navigation

Command + Tab

Switch between open applications.

Command + Shift + Tab

Switch between open applications (reverse order).

Command + ` (Grave Accent)

Switch between windows of the same application.

Command + Shift + ` (Grave Accent)

Switch between windows of the same application (reverse order).

Command + H

Hide the current application.

Command + Option + H

Hide all other applications.

Command + Q

Quit the current application.

General Commands

Command + C


Command + X


Command + V


Command + Z


Command + Shift + Z


Command + A

Select All

Command + F


Command + G

Find Next

Command + Shift + G

Find Previous

System Controls

Command + Space

Show/Hide Spotlight Search.

Control + Space

Show Character Viewer.

Command + Control + Q

Immediately lock your screen.

Command + Option + Escape

Force Quit Applications window.

Control + Eject
Control + Power

Display a dialog with options to Restart, Sleep, or Shut Down.

Command + Shift + 5

Take a screenshot (full screen).

Command + Shift + 4

Take a screenshot of a selected area.

Command + Shift + 3

Take a screenshot of the entire screen.

Finder Shortcuts


Command + N

New Finder window.

Command + Shift + N

New folder.

Command + O

Open selected item.

Command + Up Arrow

Open the folder containing the current folder.

Command + Down Arrow

Open the selected item.

Command + Shift + Delete

Empty the Trash.

Command + Delete

Move to Trash.

View Options

Command + 1

View as Icons.

Command + 2

View as List.

Command + 3

View as Columns.

Command + 4

View as Gallery.

Command + J

Show View Options.

File Management

Command + I

Get Info.

Command + R

Reveal original item when an alias is selected.

Command + L

Make Alias.

Command + E


Shift + Command + C

Open the ‘Computer’ window.

Text Editing Shortcuts

Basic Editing

Command + B

Bold selected text or toggle bold on/off.

Command + I

Italicize selected text or toggle italics on/off.

Command + U

Underline selected text or toggle underline on/off.

Command + K

Insert a hyperlink.

Command + T

Show or hide the Fonts window.

Command + ;

Find misspelled words in the document.

Text Manipulation

Control + K

Delete to the end of the line.

Control + A

Move to the beginning of the line.

Control + E

Move to the end of the line.

Control + D

Delete the character to the right of the insertion point.

Control + H

Delete the character to the left of the insertion point.

Document Management

Command + N

New document.

Command + O

Open document.

Command + S


Command + P


Command + W

Close window.

Command + Shift + S

Save As…

Safari Shortcuts

Tab Management

Command + T

Open a new tab.

Command + W

Close the current tab.

Command + Shift + T

Reopen the last closed tab.

Command + Option + W

Close all tabs except the current tab.

Control + Tab

Go to the next tab.

Control + Shift + Tab

Go to the previous tab.


Command + L

Select the address bar.

Command + R

Reload the current page.

Command + Shift + R

Reload the current page without using cached content.

Command + [

Go back in browser history.

Command + ]

Go forward in browser history.

Command + K

Start a Google search from the address bar.

Webpage Actions

Command + +

Zoom in on a webpage.

Command + -

Zoom out on a webpage.

Command + 0

Reset zoom to default.

Command + D

Add current page to bookmarks.

*Command + Shift + *

Show/Hide Reader view.

Command + Y

Show History.