Catalog / Polish Language Basics Cheatsheet
Polish Language Basics Cheatsheet
A quick reference guide to the fundamental elements of the Polish language, including pronunciation, basic grammar, essential phrases, and common vocabulary. Designed for beginners to get started with Polish.
Pronunciation Guide
a |
Pronounced like ‘a’ in ‘father’. |
e |
Pronounced like ‘e’ in ‘bed’. |
i |
Pronounced like ‘i’ in ‘machine’. |
o |
Pronounced like ‘o’ in ‘bore’. |
u |
Pronounced like ‘oo’ in ‘food’ (also written as ‘ó’). |
y |
A sound between ‘i’ and ‘u’, similar to the ‘i’ in ‘bit’. |
Nasal Vowels
ą |
Pronounced like ‘on’ in French ‘bon’ at the end of words or before l/ł; otherwise closer to ‘om’. |
ę |
Pronounced like ‘en’ in French ‘bien’ at the end of words or before l/ł; otherwise closer to ‘em’. |
ć, dź, ń, ś, ź |
Palatalized consonants, similar to ‘ch’, ‘j’, ‘ny’, ‘sh’, ‘zh’ but softer. |
cz |
Pronounced like ‘ch’ in ‘church’. |
sz |
Pronounced like ‘sh’ in ‘shoe’. |
rz |
Pronounced like ‘zh’ in ‘measure’ (same as ‘ż’). |
w |
Pronounced like ‘v’ in ‘van’. |
ł |
Pronounced like ‘w’ in ‘water’ for most Polish speakers. |
Basic Grammar
Nouns and Genders
Polish nouns have three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. Gender affects adjective and verb agreement.
Polish has seven cases that indicate the function of a noun in a sentence:
być |
To be |
mieć |
To have |
mówić |
To speak |
robić |
To do, to make |
iść |
To go |
chcieć |
To want |
Verb Conjugation (Example: być - to be)
ja |
jestem (I am) |
ty |
jesteś (you are) |
on/ona/ono |
jest (he/she/it is) |
my |
jesteśmy (we are) |
wy |
jesteście (you are) |
oni/one |
są (they are) |
Essential Phrases
Greetings & Basic Expressions
Dzień dobry |
Good morning/Good day |
Dobry wieczór |
Good evening |
Cześć |
Hi/Hello (informal) |
Do widzenia |
Goodbye |
Proszę |
Please/You're welcome |
Dziękuję |
Thank you |
Przepraszam |
Excuse me/Sorry |
Jak się masz? |
How are you? (informal) |
Jak się Pan/Pani ma? |
How are you? (formal) |
Basic Questions
Jak masz na imię? |
What's your name? (informal) |
Jak się Pan/Pani nazywa? |
What's your name? (formal) |
Skąd jesteś? |
Where are you from? |
Gdzie jest...? |
Where is...? |
Ile to kosztuje? |
How much does it cost? |
Czy mówisz po angielsku? |
Do you speak English? |
Emergency Phrases
Pomocy! |
Help! |
Ogień! |
Fire! |
Policja! |
Police! |
Potrzebuję lekarza |
I need a doctor |
Zgubiłem się |
I am lost (masculine) |
Zgubiłam się |
I am lost (feminine) |
Common Vocabulary
Jeden |
One |
Dwa |
Two |
Trzy |
Three |
Cztery |
Four |
Pięć |
Five |
Sześć |
Six |
Siedem |
Seven |
Osiem |
Eight |
Dziewięć |
Nine |
Dziesięć |
Ten |
Days of the Week
Poniedziałek |
Monday |
Wtorek |
Tuesday |
Środa |
Wednesday |
Czwartek |
Thursday |
Piątek |
Friday |
Sobota |
Saturday |
Niedziela |
Sunday |
Basic Nouns
Kobieta |
Woman |
Mężczyzna |
Man |
Dziecko |
Child |
Dom |
House |
Praca |
Work |
Czas |
Time |
Pieniądze |
Money |
Jedzenie |
Food |
Woda |
Water |