Catalog / Meteor.js Cheat Sheet

Meteor.js Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Meteor.js, covering core concepts, commands, and best practices for efficient development.

Core Concepts

Key Principles

Data on the Wire: Only data is sent, not HTML. This minimizes bandwidth and maximizes responsiveness.

Latency Compensation: Simulate server results on the client for a smoother user experience.

Full Stack Reactivity: Changes in the database are automatically reflected in the UI.

One Language: Use JavaScript (or TypeScript) for both the client and the server.

Directory Structure

client/: Client-side JavaScript, HTML, and CSS files.

server/: Server-side JavaScript files.

imports/: Reusable modules shared between client and server.

public/: Static assets like images and fonts.

Data Flow

Client interacts with UI -> Client-side methods -> Server-side methods (if needed) -> MongoDB -> Server publishes data -> Client subscribes to data -> UI updates reactively.

Commands & Syntax

Project Setup

meteor create <app-name>

Create a new Meteor project.

meteor run

Run the Meteor application.

meteor add <package-name>

Add a Meteor package to the project.

meteor remove <package-name>

Remove a Meteor package from the project.


new Mongo.Collection('collectionName');

Create a new MongoDB collection.

Collection.insert({ ... });

Insert a document into the collection.

Collection.update({ _id: '...' }, { $set: { ... } });

Update a document in the collection.

Collection.remove({ _id: '...' });

Remove a document from the collection.

Collection.find({ ... }).fetch();

Find documents and return them as an array.


Meteor.methods({ 'methodName': function(arg1, arg2) { ... } });

Define a Meteor method.'methodName', arg1, arg2, (error, result) => { ... });

Call a Meteor method from the client.

Publish and Subscribe

Publishing Data

Meteor.publish('publicationName', function(arg1, arg2) { return Collection.find({ ... }, { fields: { ... } }); });

Publishes a set of documents from a collection.
Use this.userId to only publish data relevant to the current user.
Return Collection.find() or an array of cursors to publish.

Example: Publish all todos for the current user.

Meteor.publish('todos', function () {
  return Todos.find({ userId: this.userId });

Subscribing to Data

Meteor.subscribe('publicationName', arg1, arg2, { onReady: function() { ... }, onError: function(error) { ... } });

Subscribes to a publication from the client.
onReady callback is called when the subscription is ready.
onError callback is called if an error occurs during the subscription.

Example: Subscribe to the ‘todos’ publication.

Meteor.subscribe('todos', { onReady: () => console.log('Todos ready!'), onError: (error) => console.error(error) });

Controlling Data Access

Use allow and deny rules on collections to control data access.

  insert: function (userId, doc) { return true; },
  update: function (userId, doc, fields, modifier) { return true; },
  remove: function (userId, doc) { return true; }

Note: In production, use more restrictive rules to prevent unauthorized access.

Templates and UI

Blaze Templates

Define templates using HTML with Handlebars-like syntax.

<template name="myTemplate">
  <h1>Hello, {{name}}!</h1>
  {{#each items}}

Use template helpers to provide data to templates.

  name: function() {
    return 'World';
  items: function() {
    return [{ value: 'Item 1' }, { value: 'Item 2' }];

Handle events in templates.

<template name="myTemplate">
  <button>Click Me</button>
  'click button': function(event, template) {
    console.log('Button clicked!');

Using React or Vue

Meteor can be integrated with React or Vue for more complex UIs.
Use packages like meteorhacks:npm to manage npm dependencies.
Follow the official documentation for integrating React or Vue with Meteor.

Example: Using React with Meteor:

meteor add react-meteor-data

Then, create React components and use useTracker to reactively fetch data from Meteor collections.

Session Variables

Note: Session variables are deprecated. Use ReactiveVar or ReactiveDict instead.

Session.set('key', 'value'); - Set a session variable.
Session.get('key'); - Get a session variable.