Catalog / Opera GX Browser Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
Opera GX Browser Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
A comprehensive cheat sheet for Opera GX browser shortcuts, designed to enhance your browsing experience and productivity.
General Navigation & Tabs
Basic Navigation
Cycle forward through tabs. |
Cycle backward through tabs. |
Switch to the tab at the specified position. |
Switch to the last tab. |
Go back in browsing history. |
Go forward in browsing history. |
Tab Management
Open a new tab. |
Reopen the last closed tab. |
Close the current tab. |
Close the current window. |
Open a new window. |
Open a new private window. |
Page Actions & Settings
Page Controls
Reload the current page. |
Force reload the current page (bypass cache). |
Stop loading the current page. |
Print the current page. |
Save the current page. |
Bookmark the current page. |
Zoom & Appearance
Zoom in. |
Zoom out. |
Reset zoom level to default. |
Toggle full-screen mode. |
Developer Tools
Open Developer Tools. |
Open Developer Tools in Inspect mode. |
Opera GX Specific Features
GX Control
Open GX Control Panel. |
Open Opera GX search/command bar. |
Easy Files
Paste clipboard content with Easy Files. |
Open the Opera GX menu. |
Open Extensions page. |
Search and Address Bar
Search Functions
Focus the address bar for searching. |
Open the Downloads page. |
Open the History page. |
Address Bar Actions
Select the address bar. |