Catalog / Nmap Cheat Sheet

Nmap Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Nmap, covering essential scanning techniques, options, and usage examples for network discovery and security auditing.

Basic Scan Types

Scan Types Overview

Nmap offers a variety of scan types to discover hosts and services on a network. These techniques use different TCP, UDP, and ICMP protocols to gather information.

Common Scan Flags

nmap -sT <target>

TCP Connect Scan: Establishes a full TCP connection (three-way handshake) to detect open ports. Requires no special privileges.

nmap -sS <target>

TCP SYN Scan (Stealth Scan): Sends SYN packets to the target. If a SYN-ACK is received, the port is open. If a RST is received, the port is closed. Requires root privileges.

nmap -sU <target>

UDP Scan: Sends UDP packets to the target. Requires root privileges and can be slow but detects open UDP ports.

nmap -sP <target>

Ping Scan: Discovers active hosts on a network by sending ICMP echo requests. Deprecated, use -sn instead.

nmap -sn <target>

Host Discovery: Discovers active hosts on a network, similar to ping scan, but more reliable.

nmap -sV <target>

Version Detection: Determines the service and version running on open ports.

Example Usage

nmap -sS

Performs a SYN scan on the target IP address.

nmap -sU

Performs a UDP scan on the target IP address.

nmap -sV

Attempts to determine service versions on the target IP address.

Advanced Scanning Techniques

Stealth Scan Options

nmap -sF <target>

TCP FIN Scan: Sends a FIN packet. Open ports are expected to ignore the packet, while closed ports respond with an RST.

nmap -sX <target>

TCP Xmas Scan: Sends a packet with FIN, URG, and PSH flags set. Closed ports respond with an RST.

nmap -sN <target>

TCP Null Scan: Sends a packet with no flags set. Closed ports respond with an RST.

Bypassing Firewalls/IDS

nmap -f <target>

Fragment Packets: Helps bypass simple firewalls by fragmenting the packets.

nmap --mtu <value> <target>

Specify MTU: Sets a specific Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) to avoid triggering certain IDS rules.

nmap --data-length <number> <target>

Append Random Data: Adds random data to the end of packets to avoid signature-based detection.

nmap --spoof-mac <MAC address/prefix/vendor> <target>

Spoof MAC Address: Spoofs the MAC address of your network interface to hide your identity.

nmap -g <portnumber> <target>

Source Port Manipulation: Use a specific port number

Timing and Performance

nmap -T<0-5> <target>

Timing Templates: Sets the timing template. 0 is the slowest (paranoid), 5 is the fastest (insane).

nmap --min-rtt-timeout <time> --max-rtt-timeout <time> --initial-rtt-timeout <time> <target>

Adjust RTT Timeout: Fine-tunes the round-trip time (RTT) timeout values.

Port Specification and Service Detection

Port Specification

nmap -p <port(s)> <target>

Specify Ports: Scans only the specified ports.
Example: -p 22,80,443 or -p 1-1000

nmap -F <target>

Fast Scan: Scans only the ports listed in the nmap-services file.

nmap --top-ports <number> <target>

Top Ports: Scans the specified number of most common ports.

nmap -p- <target>

Scan all 65535 ports.

Service and Version Detection

nmap -sV <target>

Version Detection: Enables version detection to determine the service and version information.

nmap --version-intensity <0-9> <target>

Version Intensity: Sets the intensity of version scanning. Higher values increase accuracy but take longer.

nmap --version-light <target>

Version Light: Uses light version scanning.

nmap --version-all <target>

Version All: Tries every single probe.

OS Detection

nmap -O <target>

OS Detection: Attempts to determine the operating system of the target.

nmap --osscan-limit <target>

OS Scan Limit: Limits OS detection to promising targets.

nmap --osscan-guess <target>

OS Scan Guess: Guesses the OS more aggressively.

Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE)

NSE Basics

The Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) allows you to run powerful scripts to automate a wide variety of networking tasks. These scripts can discover vulnerabilities, perform version detection, and more.

Common NSE Categories

  • auth: Scripts related to authentication bypass and checking.
  • broadcast: Scripts that discover services by broadcasting requests on the local network.
  • default: Commonly used scripts providing basic information.
  • discovery: Scripts that try to discover more information about the network.
  • dos: Scripts that test for denial-of-service vulnerabilities.
  • exploit: Scripts that attempt to exploit known vulnerabilities.
  • fuzzer: Scripts that send random data to services in an attempt to crash them.
  • intrusive: Scripts that are considered intrusive and may cause damage.
  • malware: Scripts that check for malware and backdoors.
  • safe: Scripts that are considered safe to run.
  • vuln: Scripts that check for vulnerabilities.

Script Selection and Execution

nmap --script=<script(s)> <target>

Run Scripts: Executes the specified NSE scripts.
Example: --script smb-vuln-ms17-010 or --script vuln

nmap --script-args <args> <target>

Script Arguments: Provides arguments to the NSE scripts.

nmap --script-help <script(s)>

Script Help: Displays help information about the specified script(s).

nmap --script-updatedb

Update Script Database: Updates the NSE script database.