Catalog / Windows Scripting Cheatsheet
Windows Scripting Cheatsheet
A quick reference guide for Windows scripting using PowerShell and Batch scripting, covering essential commands, syntax, and automation techniques.
PowerShell Basics
Core Commands (Cmdlets)
Lists all available PowerShell commands (cmdlets). |
Displays help information for a specific command. |
Configures the PowerShell execution policy (e.g., |
Retrieves information about running processes. |
Stops a running process (e.g., |
Retrieves information about Windows services. |
Starts a Windows service. |
Stops a Windows service. |
Restarts a Windows service. |
Variables and Operators
Indicates a variable (e.g., |
Assignment operator (e.g., |
Equality, inequality, greater than, and less than operators. |
Logical AND, OR, and NOT operators. |
Arithmetic operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). |
Shorthand for incrementing/decrementing the value of a variable. |
Basic Syntax & Structures
PowerShell Advanced
Working with Objects
Displays the properties and methods of an object. |
Selects specific properties of an object (e.g., |
Filters objects based on a condition (e.g., |
Performs an action on each object in a collection (e.g., |
Exports objects to a CSV file (e.g., |
Imports objects from a CSV file (e.g., |
Modules and Script Execution
Imports a PowerShell module (e.g., |
Lists imported modules. |
Executes a PowerShell script in the current scope. |
Executes a PowerShell script in a new scope. |
Executes a PowerShell script. |
Publishes a module to a repository. |
Error Handling
Batch Scripting Basics
Basic Commands
Displays text on the console. |
Turns command echoing off (usually at the beginning of the script). |
Pauses script execution until a key is pressed. |
Clears the console screen. |
Sets the title of the console window. |
Exits the script. |
Comment a line (rem is compatible with older versions). |
Variables and Operators
Sets a variable (e.g., |
Accesses a variable’s value (e.g., |
Equality, not equal, greater than, and less than operators (string comparison). |
Conditional statement. |
For loop (e.g., |
Jumps to a labeled section of the script. |
File and Directory Operations
Lists files and directories in the current directory. |
Changes the current directory (e.g., |
Creates a new directory (e.g., |
Removes a directory (e.g., |
Copies files (e.g., |
Deletes files (e.g., |
Batch Scripting Advanced
Conditional Statements and Loops
Working with Strings
Substring extraction from a variable (e.g., |
String replacement (e.g., replace ‘old’ with ‘new’ in %variable%). |
Delete search string |
Calling External Programs