Catalog / Microsoft Edge Browser Shortcuts

Microsoft Edge Browser Shortcuts

A handy cheat sheet for Microsoft Edge browser shortcuts to boost your productivity while browsing the web.

Navigation & Tabs

Basic Navigation

Ctrl + Tab

Cycle forward through tabs

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Cycle backward through tabs

Alt + Right Arrow

Go forward

Alt + Left Arrow

Go back

F5 or Ctrl + R

Refresh page


Stop loading

Tab Management

Ctrl + T

Open new tab

Ctrl + Shift + T

Reopen last closed tab

Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4

Close current tab

Ctrl + Shift + Q

Close Edge

Ctrl + N

Open new window

Ctrl + Shift + N

Open new InPrivate window

Specific Tab Actions

Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E

Focus on the address bar for search

Ctrl + L or F6

Select the address in the address bar

Alt + D

Select the address in the address bar

Ctrl + Number (1-8)

Switch to the specified tab number

Ctrl + 9

Switch to the last tab

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Open Clear browsing data settings

Page & Zoom Controls


Ctrl + Plus or Ctrl + Shift + Plus

Zoom in

Ctrl + Minus

Zoom out

Ctrl + 0

Reset zoom level

Page Actions

Ctrl + P

Print page

Ctrl + S

Save page

Ctrl + F or F3

Find on page

Ctrl + G or F3

Find next

Ctrl + Shift + G or Shift + F3

Find previous

Ctrl + H

Open History page

Full Screen and Downloads


Toggle full screen mode

Ctrl + J

Open Downloads page

Ctrl + Shift + J

Open Developer Tools

Address Bar & Search

Address Bar Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Adds www. and .com to the address typed in the address bar.

Alt + Enter

Open the address in a new tab

Search Shortcuts

Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E

Focus the address bar for searching


Ctrl + Shift + I

Open Developer Tools

Other Useful Shortcuts

More Features

Ctrl + Shift + M

Cast media to a device