Catalog / CoffeeScript Cheatsheet

CoffeeScript Cheatsheet

A concise reference for CoffeeScript, covering syntax, features, and best practices for this elegant JavaScript dialect.

Core Syntax

Basic Structure

Function Definition

square = (x) -> x * x

Equivalent to:

var square = function(x) {
  return x * x;

Implicit Return

CoffeeScript functions implicitly return the value of the last expression.

calculate = (a, b) ->
  sum = a + b
  sum * 2  # Implicitly returned

Object Literals

person = {
  name: 'Alice'
  age: 30

Equivalent to:

var person = {
  name: 'Alice',
  age: 30

Array Literals

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Equivalent to:

var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

String Interpolation

name = 'Bob'
greeting = "Hello, #{name}!"

Results in:

var name = 'Bob';
var greeting = "Hello, " + name + "!";

Multiline Strings

longString = """
  This is a very
  long string.

Equivalent to:

var longString = "This is a very\nlong string.";

Operators and Keywords

is, isnt

Equality checks. is is === and isnt is !==.

if age is 18
  console.log 'You are 18'


Logical NOT. not true is equivalent to !true.

if not authenticated
  console.log 'Access denied'

and, or

Logical AND and OR.

if sunny and temp > 25
  console.log 'Enjoy the weather'


The opposite of if. Executes the block if the condition is false.

unless raining
  console.log 'Lets go outside'


Shorthand for this. Useful in class methods.

class Person
  constructor: (@name)
  greet: -> console.log "Hello, @name!"


Existential operator. Returns true if a variable is not null or undefined.

console.log name?  # Checks if name exists

Control Flow & Loops

Conditional Statements

if / else

if age >= 18
  console.log 'Adult'
  console.log 'Minor'


unless hungry
  console.log 'Not hungry'

else if

if score > 90
  grade = 'A'
else if score > 80
  grade = 'B'
  grade = 'C'


Iterates over the keys of an object.

obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
for key, value of obj
  console.log "#{key}: #{value}"


Iterates over the elements of an array.

numbers = [10, 20, 30]
for num in numbers
  console.log num

Creates a range-based loop.

for i in [1..5]
  console.log i


i = 0
while i < 5
  console.log i


The opposite of while.

i = 0
until i >= 5
  console.log i

List Comprehensions

CoffeeScript’s list comprehensions provide a concise way to generate arrays.

squares = (x * x for x in [1..5])
# squares is now [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

With conditions:

evenSquares = (x * x for x in [1..10] when x % 2 is 0)
# evenSquares is now [4, 16, 36, 64, 100]

Classes & Objects

Class Definition

Basic Class

class Animal
  constructor: (@name)
  move: ->
    console.log "#{@name} moved"

animal = new Animal('Lion')


class Dog extends Animal
  bark: ->
    console.log 'Woof!'

dog = new Dog('Buddy')

Class Variables

class MathUtils
  @PI: 3.14159
  @square: (x) -> x * x

console.log MathUtils.PI
console.log MathUtils.square(5)

Object Creation

Creating instances of classes is straightforward:

class Point
  constructor: (@x, @y)

point = new Point(10, 20)
console.log point.x, point.y


CoffeeScript classes automatically manage prototypes, making inheritance and method sharing simple.

class Vehicle
  start: -> console.log 'Engine started'

class Car extends Vehicle
  drive: -> console.log 'Driving'

car = new Car()


Function Definition

Basic Function

add = (a, b) -> a + b
console.log add(5, 3)

Functions with no arguments

sayHello = -> console.log 'Hello!'

Multiline Functions

calculate = (x, y) ->
  sum = x + y
  sum * 2

console.log calculate(2, 3)


Default Arguments

greet = (name = 'Guest') -> console.log "Hello, #{name}!"

# Output: Hello, Guest!
# Output: Hello, Alice!

Splats (Variable Arguments)

sum = (numbers...) ->
  total = 0
  total += num for num in numbers

console.log sum(1, 2, 3, 4)

Bound Functions

Use => instead of -> to bind the function to the current this context. This is particularly useful in event handlers and callbacks.

class Button
  constructor: (@element)
    @element.addEventListener 'click', (event) => @handleClick(event)

  handleClick: (event) ->
    console.log 'Button clicked', @element