Catalog / CFML Cheatsheet
CFML Cheatsheet
A quick reference guide to ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML), covering syntax, data types, control structures, functions, and more.
CFML Basics
Syntax Fundamentals
Tags |
CFML uses tags (similar to HTML) to define code blocks. Example:
Variables |
Variables are dynamically typed and declared using Example:
Comments |
Single-line and multi-line comments are supported. Example:
Output |
The Example:
CFScript |
CFScript allows you to write CFML code using a scripting syntax (similar to JavaScript). Example:
Data Types |
CFML supports various data types including String, Numeric, Boolean, Date, Array, and Struct. Example:
Variable Scopes
Application |
Variables available throughout the entire application. Example:
Session |
Variables specific to a user’s session. Example:
Request |
Variables available during a single request. Example:
Server |
Variables available throughout the entire server. Example:
Client |
Variables stored on the client’s machine (usually via cookies). Example:
Local |
Variables available within a specific function or component. Example:
Control Structures
Conditional Statements
Basic conditional statement. Example:
Used for multiple conditions. Example:
Switch statement for multiple cases. Example:
Looping Structures
Numeric loop. Example:
Looping through an array. Example:
Looping through a query result. Example:
Conditional loop. Example:
Looping through a list. Example:
Exception Handling
Exception handling block. Example:
String Functions
Converts a string to uppercase. Example:
Converts a string to lowercase. Example:
Returns the leftmost characters of a string. Example:
Returns the rightmost characters of a string. Example:
Extracts a substring from a string. Example:
Returns the length of a string. Example:
Returns the starting position of a substring within a string. Example:
Replaces occurrences of a substring within a string. Example:
Date and Time Functions
Returns the current date and time. Example:
Formats a date according to a specified mask. Example:
Formats a time according to a specified mask. Example:
Adds a specified interval to a date. Example:
Calculates the difference between two dates. Example:
Creates a date object. Example:
Array Functions
Creates a new array. Example:
Appends an element to an array. Example:
Returns the length of an array. Example:
Returns the average of the elements in an array. Example:
Returns the minimum value in an array. Example:
Returns the maximum value in an array. Example:
Components and Objects
Component Definition
Defines a CFML component (CFC). Example:
Defines a function within a component. Example:
Specifies the access level of a function (public, private, remote). Example:
Specifies the return type of a function. Example:
Defines an argument for a function. Example:
Object Creation and Usage
Creates an instance of a CFML component. Example:
Using dot notation |
Accessing properties and methods of an object. Example: