Catalog / ML Programming Language Cheatsheet

ML Programming Language Cheatsheet

A concise cheat sheet covering the essential syntax, features, and concepts of the ML programming language family (Standard ML, OCaml, F#). Useful for quick reference and learning.

Core Syntax and Types

Basic Syntax

Variable Binding

val x = 5; (SML)
let x = 5;; (OCaml)
let x = 5 (F#)

Function Definition

fun add x y = x + y; (SML)
let add x y = x + y;; (OCaml)
let add x y = x + y (F#)


(* SML comment ) (SML)
(* Nested comments are allowed *) (SML)
OCaml comment ) (OCaml)
(* Nested comments are allowed *) (OCaml)
F# comment *) (F#)
(* Nested comments are allowed *) (F#)

Sequential Execution

; (SML)
;; (OCaml)
ignore (F#)

Unit Type

() (SML/OCaml/F#)

String Concatenation

^ (SML/OCaml)
+ (F#)

Data Types


int (SML/OCaml/F#)


real (SML), float (OCaml/F#)


bool (SML/OCaml/F#)


string (SML/OCaml/F#)


char (SML/OCaml/F#)


unit (SML/OCaml/F#)



+, -, *, div, mod (SML)
+, -, *, /, mod (OCaml)
+, -, *, /, % (F#)


=, <>, >, <, >=, <= (SML/OCaml/F#)


andalso, orelse, not (SML)
&&, ||, not (OCaml)
&&, ||, not (F#)

Floating-point Arithmetic

+, -, *, / (OCaml/F#)
Real.+ ,Real.- ,Real.* ,Real./ (SML)

Integer division

div (SML)
/ (OCaml/F#)


mod (SML/OCaml)
% (F#)

Control Flow and Data Structures

Conditional Statements


if condition then expr1 else expr2 (SML/OCaml/F#)

Case/Match Statements

case expression of
  pattern1 => result1
| pattern2 => result2
| _ => default_result;
match expression with
  pattern1 -> result1
| pattern2 -> result2
| _ -> default_result
match expression with
  | pattern1 -> result1
  | pattern2 -> result2
  | _ -> default_result

Boolean Conditionals

if true then 1 else 0; (* returns 1 *)
if true then 1 else 0;; (* returns 1 *)
if true then 1 else 0  // returns 1

String Conditionals

if "a" = "a" then 1 else 0; (* returns 1 *)
if "a" = "a" then 1 else 0;; (* returns 1 *)
if "a" = "a" then 1 else 0  // returns 1


List Creation

[1, 2, 3] (SML/OCaml)
[ 1; 2; 3 ] (F#)

Cons Operator

:: (SML/OCaml)
:: (F#)

Head and Tail

hd list (SML), List.hd list (OCaml), List.head list (F#)
tl list (SML), list (OCaml), List.tail list (F#)

List Length

length list (SML), List.length list (OCaml), List.length list (F#)

Appending Lists

@ (SML/OCaml)
@ (F#)

Map Function

map f list (SML), f list (OCaml), f list (F#)


Tuple Creation

(1, "hello", true) (SML/OCaml/F#)

Accessing Elements

#1 tuple (SML/OCaml), fst tuple, snd tuple (OCaml for 2-tuples)
fst tuple, snd tuple (F# for 2-tuples)


let (x, y, z) = tuple (SML/OCaml/F#)

Example Tuple

val example = (1, "text", 3.14);
val (int_val, string_val, real_val) = example;
let example = (1, "text", 3.14);;
let (int_val, string_val, real_val) = example;;
let example = (1, "text", 3.14)
let (int_val, string_val, real_val) = example

Functions and Modules

Function Definitions

Basic Function

fun square x = x * x; (SML)
let square x = x * x;; (OCaml)
let square x = x * x (F#)

Recursive Function

fun factorial 0 = 1 | factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1); (SML)
let rec factorial n = if n = 0 then 1 else n * factorial (n - 1);; (OCaml)
let rec factorial n = if n = 0 then 1 else n * factorial (n - 1) (F#)

Anonymous Function (Lambda)

fn x => x * x (SML)
fun x -> x * x (OCaml)
fun x -> x * x (F#)

Curried Function

fun add x y = x + y; (SML)
let add x y = x + y;; (OCaml)
let add x y = x + y (F#)

Higher-Order Function

fun apply f x = f x; (SML)
let apply f x = f x;; (OCaml)
let apply f x = f x (F#)


Module Definition

structure MyModule = struct ... end; (SML)
module MyModule = struct ... end;; (OCaml)
module MyModule = struct ... end (F#)

Module Signature (Interface)

signature MY_MODULE_SIG = sig ... end; (SML)
module type MY_MODULE_TYPE = sig ... end;; (OCaml)

// F# uses signature files (.fsi)
// or inline signatures
type MY_MODULE_TYPE = sig ... end

Module Implementation

structure MyModule : MY_MODULE_SIG = struct ... end; (SML)
module MyModule : MY_MODULE_TYPE = struct ... end;; (OCaml)

Accessing Module Members

MyModule.member (SML/OCaml/F#)

Opening a Module

open MyModule; (SML/OCaml)
open MyModule (F#)

Advanced Features


Exception Declaration

exception MyException of string; (SML)
exception MyException of string;; (OCaml)
exception MyException of string (F#)

Raising an Exception

raise MyException "Error message"; (SML)
raise (MyException "Error message");; (OCaml)
raise (MyException "Error message") (F#)

Exception Handling

  MyException msg => handle_error msg;
  MyException msg -> handle_error msg;;
  | MyException msg -> handle_error msg

Standard Exceptions

Fail, InvalidArg, Match (SML/OCaml/F#)

References (Mutable State)

Creating a Reference

ref value (SML/OCaml/F#)

Accessing a Reference

!ref_variable (SML/OCaml/F#)

Updating a Reference

ref_variable := new_value (SML/OCaml/F#)

Example Usage

val counter = ref 0;
counter := !counter + 1;
!counter; (* Returns 1 *)
let counter = ref 0;;
counter := !counter + 1;;
!counter;; (* Returns 1 *)
let counter = ref 0
counter := !counter + 1
!counter  // Returns 1

Records (Structs)

Record Definition

type person = {name : string, age : int};
val john : person = {name = "John", age = 30};
type person = {name : string; age : int};;
let john : person = {name = "John"; age = 30};;
type person = {name : string; age : int}
let john : person = {name = "John"; age = 30}

Accessing Record Fields

#name john (SML), (OCaml/F#)

Record Update (Functional)

val jane = {john with age = 31};
let jane = {john with age = 31};;
let jane = {john with age = 31}