Catalog / Logo Programming Language Cheatsheet
Logo Programming Language Cheatsheet
A concise cheat sheet for the Logo programming language, covering basic commands, syntax, and concepts. Perfect for beginners learning turtle graphics and fundamental programming principles.
Basic Commands
Moves the turtle forward by |
Moves the turtle backward by |
Rotates the turtle clockwise by |
Rotates the turtle counter-clockwise by |
Lifts the pen, so the turtle moves without drawing. |
Lowers the pen, so the turtle draws as it moves. |
Returns the turtle to the center of the screen, pointing upwards. |
Clears the drawing area. |
Pen Control
Sets the pen color. |
Sets the pen size to |
Fills a closed shape with the current pen color. |
Turtle Visibility
Makes the turtle visible. |
Hides the turtle. |
Control Structures
Repeats the specified Example:
Draws a square. |
Executes the Example:
Executes Example:
Variable Assignment
Assigns Example:
Retrieves the value of a variable. Example:
Defining Procedures
Calling Procedures
Call a procedure by simply typing its name followed by any required arguments.
Example Procedure with Parameters
Math and Logic
Arithmetic Operators
Addition |
Subtraction |
Multiplication |
``` |
Division |
Modulo (remainder) |
Comparison Operators
Greater than |
Less than |
Equal to |
Random Numbers
Generates a random integer between 0 and Example: