Catalog / Racket Programming Cheatsheet

Racket Programming Cheatsheet

A concise reference for Racket programming, covering syntax, data structures, control flow, and module system basics.

Racket Basics & Syntax

Core Syntax


Racket code consists of expressions. Expressions can be literals, identifiers, or procedure applications.

Procedure Application

(procedure-name arg1 arg2 ...)
Applies a procedure to arguments. Parentheses are required.

Defining Variables

(define variable-name expression)
Binds a value to a variable.


; - Single-line comment.
#| ... |# - Multi-line comment.

Boolean Values

#t (true) and #f (false). Everything except #f is considered true in conditional contexts.

Number Types

Racket supports integers, rational numbers, real numbers, and complex numbers.

Basic Data Types

Numbers: Integers, decimals, fractions.

Booleans: #t (true), #f (false).

Strings: Enclosed in double quotes, e.g., "hello".

Symbols: Quoted identifiers, e.g., 'symbol.

Lists: Ordered collections, e.g., '(1 2 3).

Vectors: Fixed-size arrays, e.g., #(1 2 3).

Common Procedures

(+ x y ...)


(- x y ...)


(* x y ...)


(/ x y ...)


(= x y ...)

Numerical equality.

(< x y ...)

Less than.

Control Flow


(if condition then-expression else-expression)
Evaluates condition. If true (not #f), evaluates then-expression; otherwise, evaluates else-expression.

(cond [condition expression] ... [else expression])
A series of conditional clauses. Evaluates the condition of each clause until one is true, then evaluates the corresponding expression. The else clause is optional and provides a default.

Boolean Logic

(and expr ...)

Returns #t if all expressions are true (not #f), otherwise #f. Short-circuits.

(or expr ...)

Returns #t if at least one expression is true (not #f), otherwise #f. Short-circuits.

(not expr)

Returns #t if expr is #f, otherwise #f.


(for ([item sequence]) body ...)
Iterates over a sequence (e.g., a list or vector), binding each element to item and evaluating body in each iteration.

(for/list ([item sequence]) body ...)
Similar to for, but collects the results of evaluating body into a list.

(let loop ([var1 init1] [var2 init2] …) body)
Defines a local recursive loop.

Data Structures


(list arg ...)

Creates a new list containing the given arguments.

(cons first rest)

Constructs a new list by adding first to the beginning of rest (which must be a list).

(car list)

Returns the first element of list.

(cdr list)

Returns the rest of list (excluding the first element).

(null? list)

Returns #t if list is empty, otherwise #f.

(length list)

Returns the number of elements in list.


(vector arg ...)

Creates a new vector containing the given arguments.

(vector-ref vector index)

Returns the element at index in vector.

(vector-set! vector index value)

Sets the element at index in vector to value. Vectors are mutable.

(vector-length vector)

Returns the number of elements in vector.

(vector? obj)

Returns #t if obj is a vector, otherwise #f.

Hash Tables


Creates a new empty hash table.

(hash-set! hash key value)

Associates key with value in hash.

(hash-ref hash key)

Returns the value associated with key in hash. Raises an error if the key is not found.

(hash-ref hash key default-value)

Returns the value associated with key in hash. Returns default-value if the key is not found.

(hash-remove! hash key)

Removes the association for key in hash.


Module Definition

#lang racket
Specifies the language (in this case, Racket) for the module. This should be the first line of your file.

(module name language ... body ...)
Defines a module named name using the specified language. The body contains definitions, expressions, and imports.


(provide identifier ...)
Specifies which identifiers (variables, procedures, etc.) are exported from the module and made available to other modules.

(provide (all-defined-out))
Exports all identifiers defined within the module.


(require module-path ...)
Imports identifiers from the specified module-path. module-path can be a file path, a library name, or a module name.

(require (prefix id module-path))
Imports identifiers from module-path, prefixing each with id.

(require (only-in module-path id ...))
Imports only the specified identifiers from module-path.