Catalog / Assembly Language Cheat Sheet
Assembly Language Cheat Sheet
A quick reference for Assembly Language syntax, instructions, and concepts. Covers basic instructions, addressing modes, and common programming constructs.
Basic Instructions
Data Transfer Instructions
Move data from one location to another. Example:
Load Effective Address. Loads the address of the source operand into the destination operand. Example:
Push data onto the stack. Example:
Pop data from the stack. Example:
Exchange the contents of two operands. Example:
Arithmetic Instructions
Add two operands. Example:
Subtract two operands. Example:
Multiply two operands. Example:
Divide two operands. Example:
Increment operand by 1. Example:
Decrement operand by 1. Example:
Logical Instructions
Bitwise AND operation. Example:
Bitwise OR operation. Example:
Bitwise XOR operation. Example:
Bitwise NOT operation. Example:
Shift Left / Shift Arithmetic Left. Example:
Shift Right / Shift Arithmetic Right. Example:
Rotate Left. Example:
Rotate Right. Example:
Control Flow
Comparison and Jump Instructions
Compare two operands (affects flags). Example:
Jump if Equal / Jump if Zero. Example:
Jump if Not Equal / Jump if Not Zero. Example:
Jump if Greater / Jump if Not Less or Equal. Example:
Jump if Less / Jump if Not Greater or Equal. Example: |
Jump if Greater or Equal / Jump if Not Less. Example: |
Jump if Less or Equal / Jump if Not Greater. Example: |
Unconditional jump. Example:
Decrement Example:
Subroutines (Functions)
Call a subroutine. Pushes the return address onto the stack and jumps to the subroutine. Example:
Return from a subroutine. Pops the return address from the stack and jumps to it. Example:
Addressing Modes
Addressing Modes
Immediate Addressing: Operand is a constant value. Example:
Register Addressing: Operand is a register. Example:
Direct Addressing: Operand is a memory address. Example:
Indirect Addressing: Operand is a register that contains the memory address. Example:
Base-Plus-Index Addressing: Operand is a memory address calculated by adding a base register and an index register. Example:
Base-Plus-Index with Displacement Addressing: Operand is a memory address calculated by adding a base register, an index register, and a displacement value. Example:
Data Directives
Data Definition Directives
Define Byte. Allocates one byte of storage. Example:
Define Word. Allocates two bytes of storage. Example:
Define Doubleword. Allocates four bytes of storage. Example:
Define Quadword. Allocates eight bytes of storage. Example:
Define Ten Bytes. Allocates ten bytes of storage. Example:
Other Directives
Equate. Defines a constant value. Example:
Represents the current address of the assembler. Example: