Catalog / MATLAB Cheat Sheet
MATLAB Cheat Sheet
A concise reference for MATLAB syntax, commands, and functionalities, ideal for students, engineers, and researchers.
Basics & Syntax
Basic Commands
Clears the command window. |
Removes all variables from the workspace. |
Removes variables |
Lists current variables in the workspace. |
Lists variables and their sizes, bytes, and class. |
Displays help for the specified |
Opens the documentation page for the specified |
Closes MATLAB. |
Data Types
Default numeric type (double-precision floating point). |
Single-precision floating point. |
Signed integer types. |
Unsigned integer types. |
Character array (string). |
Boolean type (true or false). |
Cell array (can hold different data types). |
Structure array (fields with different data types). |
Assignment operator. |
Arithmetic operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation). |
Element-wise arithmetic operators. |
Relational operators (equal, not equal, greater than, less than, greater than or equal, less than or equal). |
Logical operators (AND, OR, NOT). |
Colon operator (creates sequences). |
Arrays and Matrices
Array Creation
Creates a row vector. |
Creates a column vector. |
Creates a 2x2 matrix. |
Creates a row vector from 1 to 5 (step size 1). |
Creates a row vector from 1 to 5 (step size 0.5). |
Creates a row vector with 5 equally spaced points between 0 and 10. |
Creates a 2x3 matrix of zeros. |
Creates a 2x3 matrix of ones. |
Creates a 3x3 identity matrix. |
Array Indexing
Accesses the element in the i-th row and j-th column of matrix |
Accesses the i-th row of matrix |
Accesses the j-th column of matrix |
Accesses a submatrix of |
Accesses all elements of |
Matrix Operations
Matrix addition. |
Matrix subtraction. |
Matrix multiplication. |
Element-wise multiplication. |
Matrix right division (A * inv(B)). |
Matrix left division (inv(A) * B). |
Element-wise exponentiation. |
Transpose of matrix |
Inverse of matrix |
Control Flow & Functions
Conditional Statements
Anonymous functions:
Switch Statement
Basic Plots
Creates a 2D line plot of |
Creates a scatter plot of |
Creates a bar chart. |
Creates a histogram of the data. |
Creates a pie chart. |
Plot Customization
Sets the title of the plot. |
Sets the label for the x-axis. |
Sets the label for the y-axis. |
Adds a legend to the plot. |
Turns the grid on. |
Sets the axis limits. |
Keeps the current plot and axes properties so that subsequent plotting commands add to the existing plot. |
Releases the current plot and axes. |
3D Plotting
Creates a 3D line plot. |
Creates a surface plot. |
Creates a mesh plot. |
Creates a contour plot. |