Catalog / Elixir Cheatsheet
Elixir Cheatsheet
A concise reference for Elixir syntax, data structures, and common functions.
Basics & Syntax
Basic Syntax
Variable Assignment |
Elixir is immutable, so variables can only be bound once. |
Atoms |
Atoms are constants whose value is their name.
Modules |
Anonymous Functions |
Can be assigned to variables: |
Comments |
Pipe Operator |
Chains function calls, passing the result of the previous function as the first argument to the next. |
Data Types
Integers |
Floats |
Booleans |
Strings |
Lists |
Tuples |
Data Structures
Creating Lists |
List Concatenation |
List Subtraction |
Head and Tail |
Accessing Elements |
Lists are not designed for random access. |
Creating Tuples |
Accessing Elements |
Tuple Size |
Use Cases |
Often used to return multiple values from a function, especially for error handling. |
Creating Maps |
Accessing Values |
Updating Values |
Adding Values |
Removing Values |
Control Flow
Conditional Statements
Case Statement
Basic Usage |
Pattern Matching |
Guards |
Enum Module
Applies a function to each element in a collection and returns a new collection with the results.
Filters elements from a collection based on a given function.
Reduces a collection to a single value by applying a function cumulatively.
Iterates over a collection and applies a function to each element (for side effects).
Concurrency & OTP
Spawning Processes |
Creates a new lightweight process. |
Sending Messages |
Sends a message to a process identified by its PID. |
Receiving Messages |
Defining a GenServer |
Starting a GenServer |
Handles synchronous requests.
Handles asynchronous requests.
Handles other messages.
Defining a Supervisor |
Supervision Strategies |