Catalog / R Programming Language Cheatsheet
R Programming Language Cheatsheet
A comprehensive cheat sheet for the R programming language, covering data structures, syntax, data manipulation, statistical analysis, and common functions.
Data Structures
Definition |
A one-dimensional array of elements of the same data type. |
Creating Vectors |
Accessing Elements |
Common Functions |
Example |
Definition |
A two-dimensional array of elements of the same data type. |
Creating Matrices |
Accessing Elements |
Common Functions |
Example |
Definition |
An ordered collection of elements, which can be of different data types. |
Creating Lists |
Accessing Elements |
Common Functions |
Example |
Data Frames
Definition |
A table-like structure with columns of potentially different data types. |
Creating Data Frames |
Accessing Elements |
Common Functions |
Example |
Syntax and Basic Operations
Arithmetic |
Relational |
Logical |
Assignment |
Example |
Control Flow
if Statement |
if…else Statement |
for Loop |
while Loop |
Example |
Definition |
Reusable blocks of code that perform a specific task. |
Defining a Function |
Calling a Function |
Example |
Data Manipulation
dplyr Package
Description |
A powerful package for data manipulation. |
Key Functions |
Example |
tidyr Package
Description |
A package for tidying data. |
Key Functions |
Example |
Data Subsetting
Using Indices |
Using Logical Vectors |
Using |
Example |
Statistical Analysis
Descriptive Statistics
Functions |
Example |
Hypothesis Testing
t-tests |
Chi-squared Test |
Example |
Linear Regression
Function |
Example |