Catalog / Board Games Cheatsheet

Board Games Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential concepts, strategies, and terminology for various board games. From classic strategy to modern hobby games, this guide provides a quick reference for both new and experienced players.

Core Concepts

Game Mechanics

Worker Placement: Players place limited ‘workers’ on spaces to perform actions.

Example: Agricola, Lords of Waterdeep

Deck Building: Players start with a basic deck and acquire cards to improve it.

Example: Dominion, Star Realms

Area Control: Players compete to control territory on the board.

Example: Risk, El Grande

Engine Building: Players create a system that generates resources or points more efficiently over time.

Example: Terraforming Mars, Splendor

Dice Rolling: Using dice to determine outcomes or actions.

Example: Yahtzee, King of Tokyo

Hand Management: Efficiently using and optimizing the cards in your hand.

Example: 7 Wonders, Race for the Galaxy

Game Phases

Setup Phase

Preparing the game components and initial board state.

Action Phase

Players take turns performing actions according to the game rules.

Resolution Phase

Resolving the effects of actions taken during the Action Phase.

Cleanup Phase

Preparing the board for the next round or turn.

End Game

Conditions that trigger the end of the game and the final scoring.

Player Interaction

Direct Conflict: Players directly attack or hinder each other.

Example: War of the Ring

Indirect Conflict: Players compete for limited resources or opportunities.

Example: Terra Mystica

Cooperative: Players work together to achieve a common goal.

Example: Pandemic

Solo: A single player attempts to achieve the game’s objective.

Example: Friday

Strategy & Tactics

General Strategies

Early Game: Focus on establishing a foundation and securing essential resources.

Mid Game: Transition to developing your engine or expanding your influence.

Late Game: Optimize your strategy to maximize points or achieve victory conditions.

Risk Assessment: Evaluate the potential risks and rewards of each action.

Adaptability: Be prepared to adjust your strategy based on the actions of other players and unforeseen events.

Common Tactics


Preventing opponents from accessing key resources or spaces.

Resource Denial

Depriving opponents of essential resources.

Tempo Control

Dictating the pace of the game to your advantage.

Information Gathering

Collecting information about opponents’ strategies and resources.


Spreading your resources and efforts across multiple areas.


Focusing your resources and efforts on a specific area to gain a competitive edge.

Advanced Strategies

Metagaming: Understanding and anticipating common strategies used within a specific game or gaming group.

Bluffing: Deceiving opponents about your intentions or resources.

Synergy: Creating combinations of cards or abilities that amplify their effectiveness.

Kingmaking: Unintentionally or intentionally influencing the outcome of the game by helping another player win.


Common Terms

AP (Analysis Paralysis)

Overthinking a decision, leading to excessive delays.

Alpha Gamer

A player who dominates decision-making in cooperative games.

BGG (BoardGameGeek)

A popular online board game community and database.


A style of board game emphasizing strategy and resource management over direct conflict.


A style of board game emphasizing theme, player interaction, and luck over pure strategy.

LGS (Local Game Store)

A retail store specializing in board games, card games, and related hobby products.

Card Game Terms


Selecting cards from a shared pool.


Redrawing a hand of cards at the start of the game.


Arranging cards in a specific order to gain an advantage.


A sequence of cards played together to achieve a powerful effect.

Discard Pile

Where the used cards are placed.

Advanced Terminology

Tableau Building: Creating a persistent set of cards or components that provide ongoing benefits.

Push Your Luck: Deciding whether to continue an action with the risk of losing progress.

Set Collection: Gathering specific sets of cards or components to score points.

Legacy Game: A game that changes permanently over multiple play sessions.

Game Examples

Classic Games

Chess: A two-player strategy game involving the manipulation of pieces on a checkered board.

Checkers: A two-player strategy game involving diagonal moves and capturing opponent’s pieces.

Backgammon: A two-player game involving moving pieces around a board based on dice rolls.

Monopoly: A multi-player game focused on real estate acquisition and development.

Modern Board Games


A resource management and trading game.

Ticket to Ride

A train route building game.


A cooperative game about curing diseases.


A cooperative dungeon-crawling campaign game.

Terraforming Mars

A game about making Mars habitable.

Card Games Examples

Magic: The Gathering: A collectible trading card game with complex rules and strategies.

Pokémon Trading Card Game: A collectible card game based on the popular Pokémon franchise.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game: A collectible card game involving duels with monsters, spells, and traps.

Dominion: A deck-building card game where players build their kingdom.