Catalog / Remote & Network Command-Line Cheatsheet
Remote & Network Command-Line Cheatsheet
A comprehensive cheat sheet for remote access, network diagnostics, and management commands in the command-line interface. This guide provides quick references and examples for common tasks.
Basic Network Information
Network Configuration
Displays network interface configurations including IP addresses, MAC addresses, and status. |
Shows the kernel’s IP routing table. |
Displays network routing information, including the destination network, gateway, and interface. |
Displays the system’s hostname. |
Displays all IP addresses of the host. |
Show current DNS configuration. (systemd-resolved required) |
DNS Lookup
Queries DNS servers to find the IP address associated with a domain. |
A more advanced DNS lookup utility, providing detailed DNS record information. |
Performs DNS lookups to find the IP address of a domain. |
Resolve domain name to IP addresses and vice versa using systemd-resolved. |
Check what DNS server is used. |
Remote Access and File Transfer
Secure Shell (SSH)
Connects to a remote host via SSH. |
Connects to a remote host using a specific port. |
Copies your public key to the remote host for passwordless login. |
Creates a local port forwarding via SSH. |
Creates a remote port forwarding via SSH. |
Secure Copy (SCP)
Copies a file to a remote host. |
Copies a file from a remote host. |
Copies a directory recursively to a remote host. |
Copies a file to a remote host using a specific port. |
Synchronizes files/directories between two locations (local or remote). |
Synchronizes files/directories to a remote host. |
Synchronizes files/directories from a remote host. |
Network Diagnostics
Tests network connectivity by sending ICMP echo requests to a host. |
Sends a specific number of ping requests. |
Specifies the interval between ping requests in seconds. |
Sets the size of the ping packet. |
Traces the route packets take to a destination host. |
Sets the maximum number of hops to search for the destination. |
Prints hop addresses numerically rather than symbolically. |
netcat (nc)
Performs a port scan to check if a port is open. -z: zero-I/O mode, -v: verbose. |
Listen on a specified port for incoming connections. |
Connect to a specified port on a remote host. |
Network Management
Network Interface Management
Brings up a network interface. |
Brings down a network interface. |
Assigns an IP address to a network interface. |
Removes an IP address from a network interface. |
Firewall Management (iptables)
Lists the current iptables rules. |
Allows incoming TCP traffic on a specific port. |
Blocks incoming TCP traffic on a specific port. |
Flushes all existing iptables rules (use with caution). |
Firewall Management (firewalld)
Check if firewalld is running. |
Lists all settings of the default zone. |
Opens a port permanently in the public zone. |
Reloads firewalld to apply changes. |