Catalog / Particle Photon Cheatsheet

Particle Photon Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for the Particle Photon, covering its key features, setup, coding, and cloud integration. This guide provides a quick reference for developers working with the Photon for IoT projects.

Photon Basics & Setup

Hardware Overview

Particle Photon: A small Wi-Fi enabled development kit for creating connected projects.

Key Features:

  • Broadcom Wi-Fi chip
  • STM32 ARM Cortex M3 microcontroller
  • Built-in RGB LED (D7)
  • Headers for easy prototyping

Setting up the Photon

  1. Particle Account: Create an account at
  2. Particle CLI: Install the Particle Command Line Interface (CLI) using npm:

npm install -g particle-cli
3. **Claiming the Device:** Use the Particle CLI to claim the device to your account. Put your Photon in listening mode (blinking blue) by holding the SETUP button. Then run:bash
particle setup
Follow the prompts to connect to your Wi-Fi network.

Important Pins


Digital I/O pins


Analog input pins


Serial communication pins


Voltage Input (3.6V - 12V)


3.3V output



Coding with the Photon

Basic Structure

// Setup function (runs once)
void setup() {
  // Initialize code here

// Loop function (runs repeatedly)
void loop() {
  // Main program code here

Digital I/O

pinMode(pin, mode);

Sets the mode of a digital pin (INPUT, OUTPUT, INPUT_PULLUP)

digitalWrite(pin, value);

Writes HIGH or LOW to a digital pin


Reads the value (HIGH or LOW) from a digital pin


pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(D7, HIGH); // Turn LED on
digitalWrite(D7, LOW);  // Turn LED off

Analog I/O


Reads the analog value (0-4095) from an analog pin

analogWrite(pin, value);

Writes an analog value (PWM) to a digital pin (0-255)


int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
analogWrite(D0, sensorValue / 16); // Map 0-4095 to 0-255



Pauses the program for a specified number of milliseconds


Returns the number of milliseconds since the program started running


Returns the number of microseconds since the program started running

Cloud Functions & Variables

Cloud Functions

Cloud functions allow you to call functions on your Photon from the Particle Cloud API.

int myFunction(String command) {
  // Function logic here
  return 1; // Return a value

// Register the function
Particle.function("myFunction", myFunction);

Accessing the Function via the API:
particle call <device_name> myFunction "argument"

Cloud Variables

Cloud variables allow you to read variables from your Photon via the Particle Cloud API.

int myVariable = 0;

// Register the variable
Particle.variable("myVariable", myVariable);

Accessing the Variable via the API:
particle get <device_name> myVariable

Publishing Events

Publishing events allows you to send data from your Photon to the Particle Cloud.

Particle.publish("eventName", "data");

You can also specify the event’s privacy:

Particle.publish("eventName", "data", PRIVATE);

Options are PRIVATE or PUBLIC.

Networking & System

Checking Connection Status


Returns true if the Wi-Fi connection is established and the Photon is connected to the Particle Cloud.


Returns true if the Photon is connected to the Particle Cloud.

System Functions


Resets the Photon.


Puts the Photon in DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) mode for flashing firmware via USB.

System.sleep(sleep_mode, sleep_time);

Puts the Photon in a low-power sleep mode. sleep_mode can be SLEEP_MODE_DEEP or SLEEP_MODE_SOFTAP. sleep_time is in seconds.

Error Handling

Use TRY() and CATCH() to handle errors. assert() also can be used to check if the statement returns true.