Catalog / Geology Cheatsheet
Geology Cheatsheet
A concise reference guide to geology, covering minerals, rocks, geological processes, and dating methods. Perfect for students, researchers, and anyone interested in Earth sciences.
Mineral Identification
Hardness (Mohs Scale) |
Resistance to scratching. Scale ranges from 1 (Talc) to 10 (Diamond). |
Streak |
Color of the mineral in powdered form obtained by scratching it on a streak plate. |
Luster |
How light is reflected from a mineral’s surface (e.g., metallic, glassy, dull). |
Cleavage/Fracture |
How a mineral breaks. Cleavage is breaking along smooth planes, fracture is irregular breakage. |
Color |
Visual color of the mineral, but can be unreliable due to impurities. |
Specific Gravity |
Density of the mineral relative to water. |
Common Mineral Groups
Silicates |
Most abundant group; contains silicon and oxygen (e.g., quartz, feldspar). |
Carbonates |
Contains carbon and oxygen (e.g., calcite, dolomite). |
Oxides |
Contains oxygen and a metal (e.g., hematite, magnetite). |
Sulfides |
Contains sulfur and a metal (e.g., pyrite, galena). |
Halides |
Contains halogen elements (e.g., halite, fluorite). |
Native Elements |
Minerals made of a single element (e.g., gold, silver, copper). |
Igneous Rocks
Intrusive (Plutonic) |
Cool slowly beneath the surface; large crystals (e.g., granite, diorite). |
Extrusive (Volcanic) |
Cool quickly on the surface; small or no crystals (e.g., basalt, rhyolite). |
Felsic |
High silica content; light-colored (e.g., granite, rhyolite). |
Mafic |
Low silica content; dark-colored (e.g., basalt, gabbro). |
Intermediate |
Between felsic and mafic (e.g., diorite, andesite). |
Ultramafic |
Very low silica content; very dark-colored (e.g., peridotite). |
Sedimentary Rocks
Clastic |
Formed from fragments of other rocks (e.g., sandstone, shale, conglomerate). |
Chemical |
Formed from precipitation of minerals from solution (e.g., limestone, rock salt). |
Organic |
Formed from the accumulation of plant or animal remains (e.g., coal, coquina). |
Breccia |
Clastic sedimentary rock with large, angular fragments. |
Sandstone |
Clastic sedimentary rock composed mainly of sand-sized minerals or rock grains. |
Shale |
Fine-grained, clastic sedimentary rock composed of mud that is a mix of flakes of clay minerals and tiny fragments of other minerals, especially quartz and calcite. |
Metamorphic Rocks
Foliated |
Minerals are aligned in layers due to directed pressure (e.g., schist, gneiss). |
Non-Foliated |
No layered texture (e.g., marble, quartzite). |
Regional Metamorphism |
Occurs over large areas due to tectonic forces. |
Contact Metamorphism |
Occurs locally due to heat from magma intrusion. |
Slate |
Foliated metamorphic rock created through alteration of shale or mudstone by low-grade regional metamorphism. |
Marble |
Non-foliated metamorphic rock resulting from the metamorphism of limestone or dolomite. |
Geological Processes
Physical Weathering |
Breakdown of rocks without changing their chemical composition (e.g., frost wedging, abrasion). |
Chemical Weathering |
Breakdown of rocks by altering their chemical composition (e.g., oxidation, dissolution). |
Erosion |
The process by which soil and rock are removed from the Earth’s surface by wind, water, ice, or gravity. |
Abrasion |
The mechanical scraping of a rock surface by friction between rocks and moving particles during their transport by wind, glacier, waves, gravity, running water or erosion. |
Oxidation |
A type of chemical weathering that occurs when oxygen reacts with minerals in rocks, especially those containing iron. |
Dissolution |
A process where minerals in a rock are dissolved by water, especially if the water is acidic. |
Plate Tectonics
Divergent Boundaries |
Plates move apart; new crust is created (e.g., mid-ocean ridges). |
Convergent Boundaries |
Plates collide; crust is destroyed (e.g., subduction zones, mountain ranges). |
Transform Boundaries |
Plates slide past each other horizontally; crust is neither created nor destroyed (e.g., San Andreas Fault). |
Subduction |
One tectonic plate slides beneath another, often resulting in volcanic activity and earthquakes. |
Faulting |
Fractures in the Earth’s crust where movement has occurred, leading to earthquakes. |
Folding |
Bending of rock layers due to compressional forces, creating anticlines (upfolds) and synclines (downfolds). |
Mass Wasting
Creep |
Slow, gradual downslope movement of soil and rock. |
Landslide |
Sudden downslope movement of a mass of soil and rock. |
Mudflow |
Rapid flow of a mixture of soil, rock, and water. |
Rockfall |
Free fall of detached rocks from a cliff or steep slope. |
Slump |
A type of landslide where a mass of soil or rock moves downslope along a curved surface. |
Debris Flow |
A type of fast-moving flow of sediment and water with a high concentration of coarse material. |
Geological Dating
Relative Dating
Law of Superposition |
In undisturbed rock sequences, the oldest layers are at the bottom, and the youngest are at the top. |
Principle of Original Horizontality |
Sedimentary layers are initially deposited horizontally. |
Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships |
A geological feature that cuts across another is younger than the feature it cuts. |
Unconformities |
Gaps in the geological record due to erosion or non-deposition. |
Fossil Succession |
Fossil organisms succeed one another in a definite and determinable order, and any time period can be recognized by its fossil content. |
Index Fossils |
Fossils that are widely distributed, lived for a short period, and are useful for dating rocks. |
Absolute Dating (Radiometric Dating)
Half-Life |
The time it takes for half of the parent isotopes to decay into daughter isotopes. |
Carbon-14 Dating |
Used to date organic materials up to ~50,000 years old (half-life: 5,730 years). |
Potassium-Argon Dating |
Used to date rocks millions of years old (half-life: 1.3 billion years). |
Uranium-Lead Dating |
Used to date very old rocks and minerals (half-life: 4.5 billion years for U-238). |
Rubidium-Strontium Dating |
Another method for dating old rocks, particularly useful for dating metamorphic rocks. |
Assumptions |
Constant decay rate, closed system (no addition or loss of parent or daughter isotopes). |