Catalog / Blender Animation Cheatsheet

Blender Animation Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Blender animation, covering essential tools, techniques, and workflows. This guide provides a quick reference for animators of all levels, from beginners to advanced users, helping to streamline the animation process and enhance creativity.

Interface & Navigation

Viewport Navigation

Rotate View

Middle Mouse Button (MMB) + Drag

Pan View

Shift + MMB + Drag

Zoom View

Ctrl + MMB + Drag or Mouse Wheel

View Selected

Numpad .

Perspective/Orthographic View

Numpad 5

Front View

Numpad 1

Right View

Numpad 3

Top View

Numpad 7

Essential Panels

Properties Panel

Contains object data, modifiers, materials, textures, etc. (Shortcut: N)


Displays scene hierarchy and object relationships. (Located top right by default)


Used for animation playback and keyframe manipulation. (Located at the bottom)

Dope Sheet

Provides an overview of animation keyframes. (Can be accessed via the Timeline window type selector)

Graph Editor

Allows for fine-tuning animation curves. (Can be accessed via the Timeline window type selector)

Object Interaction

Select Object

Left Click

Move Object

G (Grab) then X, Y, or Z to constrain to an axis.

Rotate Object

R (Rotate) then X, Y, or Z to constrain to an axis.

Scale Object

S (Scale) then X, Y, or Z to constrain to an axis.

Duplicate Object

Shift + D

Delete Object

X or Delete Key

Keyframing Basics

Inserting Keyframes

Insert Single Keyframe

I (opens the Insert Keyframe Menu)


I -> Location (Keyframes object’s position)


I -> Rotation (Keyframes object’s orientation)


I -> Scale (Keyframes object’s size)


I -> LocRotScale (Keyframes all transform properties)


I -> Available (Keyframes all animatable properties that have been changed)

All Transform

Keyframes all transform properties (Location, Rotation, Scale) and delta transform properties.

Keyframe Manipulation

Moving Keyframes

Select keyframes in the Timeline, Dope Sheet, or Graph Editor, then G to move them.

Scaling Keyframes

Select keyframes, S to scale them in time (relative to the 3D cursor by default)

Deleting Keyframes

Select keyframes, X or Delete to delete.

Copying and Pasting Keyframes

Ctrl+C to copy, Ctrl+V to paste.

Selecting All Keyframes

A in the Timeline, Dope Sheet, or Graph Editor.

Timeline Markers

M to add a marker to the timeline at current frame

Animation Playback

Play Animation


Stop Animation

Spacebar (again)

Go to Start Frame

Shift + Left Arrow

Go to End Frame

Shift + Right Arrow

Step Forward/Backward

Left/Right Arrow Keys

Loop Playback

Ensure the ‘Loop’ button is enabled in the Timeline.

Graph Editor & Dope Sheet

Graph Editor

Accessing the Graph Editor

Select ‘Graph Editor’ from the editor type dropdown menu (usually at the top left of a panel).

Manipulating Curves

Select a curve point, then G to move, S to scale (time or value), R to rotate.

Adding F-Curve Modifiers

N-panel -> Modifiers -> Add Modifier (e.g., Noise, Envelope, Cycles).

Baking F-Curves

Object -> Animation -> Bake Action (Convert modifiers to keyframes).

Handle Types

V - Set handle type (e.g., Automatic, Aligned, Vector, Free).


Ctrl + MMB drag or Mouse Wheel.


Shift + MMB drag.

Dope Sheet

Accessing the Dope Sheet

Select ‘Dope Sheet’ from the editor type dropdown menu.

Action Editor

A Dope Sheet mode for managing Actions (animation data blocks).

Access via the mode dropdown menu in Dope Sheet header

Selecting Keyframes

Left-click to select, Shift + Left-click to add to selection, A to select all.

Moving Keyframes (Dope Sheet)

Select keyframes, G to move them in time.

Deleting Keyframes (Dope Sheet)

Select keyframes, X or Delete to delete.

Summary Channel

Display of the object’s keyframes.


Adding a Driver

Right-click on a property -> Add Driver. Alternatively: Drivers Editor Window.

Driver Editor

Separate window to manage drivers.

Driver Types

Various types of drivers exist (scripted expressions, average value of properties).

Editing Drivers

Right-click on the property with the driver -> Edit Driver.

Removing Drivers

Right-click on the property -> Delete Driver.

Driver Namespaces

Drivers are local to the Blender file and their associated objects.

Animation Techniques

Using Constraints

Adding Constraints

Select object -> Properties Panel -> Constraint Tab -> Add Object Constraint.

Copy Location

Makes an object follow the location of another.

Copy Rotation

Makes an object copy the rotation of another.

Limit Distance

Restricts an object’s distance from a target.

Track To

Points an object’s axis towards a target.

Inverse Kinematics (IK)

Solves for the position of a chain of bones, often used for limbs. Add an ‘IK Constraint’ to a bone.

Using Modifiers

Adding Modifiers

Select object -> Properties Panel -> Modifier Tab -> Add Modifier.

Armature Modifier

Deforms a mesh based on the movements of an armature (rig).

Subdivision Surface

Increases mesh resolution for smoother surfaces.

Simple Deform

Bends, twists, or tapers a mesh.

Cast Modifier

Morph the object into a sphere, cylinder or cube shape.

Wave Modifier

Add procedural wave motion to a mesh.

Shape Keys

Adding Shape Keys

Select object -> Object Data Properties -> Shape Keys -> Add Basis Shape Key, then add additional shape keys (+ button).

Editing Shape Keys

Select a shape key, enter Edit Mode, and modify the mesh. The ‘Value’ slider controls the influence of the shape key.

Driving Shape Keys

Right-click on the ‘Value’ slider -> Add Driver.

Shape Key Animation

Hover the mouse over the ‘Value’ slider and press ‘I’ to insert a keyframe.

Shape Key Mixing

Combination of multiple shape keys

Vertex Groups

Restrict the influence of the Shape Keys to specific parts of the mesh by assigning them to a Vertex Group.