Catalog / Adobe InDesign Cheatsheet

Adobe InDesign Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Adobe InDesign, covering essential tools, panels, and keyboard shortcuts to boost your graphic design workflow.

Workspace Basics & Navigation

Essential Panels

Tools Panel:

Contains essential selection, drawing, type, and modification tools.

Control Panel:

Context-sensitive options for selected objects.

Pages Panel:

Manage, add, delete, and rearrange pages in your document.

Layers Panel:

Organize and manage elements on different layers.

Character/Paragraph Panels:

Control typography settings like font, size, leading, and kerning.

Swatches Panel:

Manage colors, gradients, and tints.

Navigation Shortcuts

Hand Tool (H):

Pan around the document.

Zoom Tool (Z):

Zoom in/out; Alt+Click to zoom out.

Zoom In:

Ctrl/Cmd + Plus (+)

Zoom Out:

Ctrl/Cmd + Minus (-)

Fit Page in Window:

Ctrl/Cmd + 0

Fit Spread in Window:

Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Option + 0

Document Setup

New Document: Ctrl/Cmd + N
Configure page size, margins, columns, and bleed.

Document Settings: File > Document Setup
Modify document-wide settings.

Margins and Columns: Layout > Margins and Columns
Adjust margins and column guides.

Object Manipulation

Selection & Transformation

Selection Tool (V):

Select entire objects or groups.

Direct Selection Tool (A):

Select individual points or content within a frame.

Rotate Tool (R):

Rotate objects around a pivot point.

Scale Tool (S):

Scale objects proportionally or non-proportionally.

Free Transform Tool (E):

Scale, rotate, or shear objects freely.

Place (Ctrl/Cmd + D):

Import images or text files.

Arranging Objects

Bring to Front:

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + ]

Bring Forward:

Ctrl/Cmd + ]

Send Backward:

Ctrl/Cmd + [

Send to Back:

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + [

Group (Ctrl/Cmd + G):

Group selected objects.

Ungroup (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + G):

Ungroup selected objects.

Working with Frames

Fitting Content: Right-click > Fitting
Options include Fill Frame Proportionally, Fit Content Proportionally, Fit Frame to Content, Fit Content to Frame.

Frame Edges: Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to modify individual frame points.

Convert Shape: Object > Convert Shape
Change a frame’s shape (e.g., rectangle to ellipse).


Text Basics

Type Tool (T):

Create and edit text.

Area Type Tool:

Add text inside closed paths.

Type on a Path Tool:

Add text along a path.

Character Panel:

Font, size, leading, kerning, tracking.

Paragraph Panel:

Alignment, indents, spacing.

Glyphs Panel:

Insert special characters and symbols.

Text Formatting Shortcuts

Increase Font Size:

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + >

Decrease Font Size:

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + <

Increase Leading:

Alt/Option + Down Arrow

Decrease Leading:

Alt/Option + Up Arrow


Alt/Option + Left/Right Arrows


Alt/Option + Ctrl/Cmd + Left/Right Arrows

Working with Styles

Character Styles: Window > Styles > Character Styles
Create and apply character-level formatting styles.

Paragraph Styles: Window > Styles > Paragraph Styles
Create and apply paragraph-level formatting styles.

Object Styles: Window > Styles > Object Styles
Create and apply styles for frames and objects.

Color & Effects

Color Management

Swatches Panel:

Create, edit, and manage colors, gradients, and tints.

Color Panel:

Adjust color values (CMYK, RGB, Lab).

Gradient Panel:

Create and edit gradients.

Eyedropper Tool (I):

Sample colors from objects or images.

Apply Color:

Click Fill or Stroke box in Tools panel, then select color.

Kuler Integration:

Access Adobe Color themes directly in InDesign.


Effects Panel (FX):

Transparency, drop shadow, inner shadow, outer glow, inner glow, bevel and emboss, satin, feather.


Adjust opacity of objects.

Drop Shadow:

Add a shadow effect to objects.

Gradients Feather:

Feather an objects edges, creating blend with background.

Object Styles with Effects:

Save and reuse effects settings using object styles.

Blending Modes:

Experiment with blending modes for unique visual effects.

Object Styles with Effects

Object Styles: Window > Styles > Object Styles
Create and apply styles for frames and objects, including effects, strokes, fills, and more.

Reusable Effects: Use object styles to quickly apply consistent effects across multiple elements in your document.