Catalog / Inkscape Cheat Sheet

Inkscape Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential Inkscape tools, shortcuts, and techniques for vector graphic design.

Basic Tools & Navigation

Selection & Transformation

Selection Tool (F1)

Select, move, and resize objects.
Clicking an object selects it. Clicking again allows rotation and skewing.

Node Tool (F2)

Edit nodes of paths and shapes for fine-grained control.

Zoom Tool (Z)

Zoom in/out of the canvas. Click to zoom in, Shift+Click to zoom out. Drag to zoom to a specific area.

Pan (Middle Mouse Button)

Pan the view by holding down the middle mouse button and dragging.

Ctrl + A

Select all objects in the current layer.

Ctrl + Shift + A

Deselect all objects.

Object Creation

Rectangle Tool (F4)

Create rectangles and squares. Hold Ctrl while dragging to create perfect squares.

Ellipse Tool (F5)

Create ellipses and circles. Hold Ctrl while dragging to create perfect circles.

**Star Tool (*) **

Creates stars and polygons. Adjust parameters in the tool controls bar.

Spiral Tool (I)

Create spirals. Adjust parameters in the tool controls bar.

Draw Freehand Lines (F6)

Draw freehand lines

Draw Bezier curves and straight lines (Shift + F6)

Draw Bezier curves and straight lines

File Operations

Ctrl + N

Create a new document.

Ctrl + O

Open an existing document.

Ctrl + S

Save the current document.

Ctrl + Shift + S

Save the current document as a new file.

Ctrl + I

Import a file.

Ctrl + E

Export a file.

Path Operations & Editing

Path Operations

Path > Union (Ctrl + +)

Combine selected paths into a single path.

Path > Difference (Ctrl + -)

Subtract the top path from the bottom path.

*Path > Intersection (Ctrl + )

Create a new path from the overlapping areas of selected paths.

Path > Exclusion (Ctrl + ^)

Create a new path from the non-overlapping areas of selected paths.

Path > Division (Ctrl + /)

Divide the bottom path by the top path.

Path > Cut Path

Cut the path at selected nodes.

Node Editing

Node Tool (F2)

Activate the Node Tool to edit path nodes and handles.

Join Selected Nodes

Join two or more selected nodes into a single node.

Break Path at Selected Nodes

Break a path into two paths at selected nodes.

Make Selected Segments Lines

Convert selected path segments into straight lines.

Make Selected Segments Curves

Convert selected path segments into curves.

Delete Segment Between 2 Non-Endpoint Nodes

Delete segment between nodes.

Converting Objects to Paths

Path > Object to Path (Ctrl + Shift + C) - Convert selected objects (e.g., shapes, text) into paths. This is necessary to perform path operations on them.

Path > Stroke to Path (Ctrl + Alt + C) - Convert a stroke into a path.

Colors, Gradients & Styles



The color inside the object.


The color of the object’s outline.

Shift + Click Color

Set the stroke color.

Click Color

Set the fill color.

No Paint

Remove fill or stroke.

Object Attributes

Fill, Stroke, Stroke style


Gradient Tool (G)

Apply and edit gradients. Drag the gradient handles to adjust the gradient.

Linear Gradient

A gradient that transitions in a straight line.

Radial Gradient

A gradient that transitions in a circular pattern.

Edit Gradient

Add or move color stops on gradient.


Create new gradient from the current fill of stroke.


Reverse gradient colors.

Stroke Style

Stroke Style Panel

Set stroke width, line join, line cap, and dash pattern.


Define stroke width.


Define stroke style.


Define stroke cap.


Define stroke dashes.


Add markers to the start, middle, or end of a path.

Text & Arrangement

Text Tool

Text Tool (T)

Add and edit text objects.

Font Selection

Choose a font from the dropdown menu in the tool controls bar.

Font Size

Adjust the font size in the tool controls bar.

Bold (Ctrl + B)

Apply bold formatting to selected text.

Italic (Ctrl + I)

Apply italic formatting to selected text.


Align text.


Raise to Top (Home)

Move the selected object to the top of the stack.

Raise One Step (PgUp)

Move the selected object one step up in the stack.

Lower One Step (PgDn)

Move the selected object one step down in the stack.

Lower to Bottom (End)

Move the selected object to the bottom of the stack.

Object > Align and Distribute (Ctrl + Shift + A)

Open the Align and Distribute panel for precise object alignment.

Flip Selected Objects Horizontally (H)

Flip selected objects horizontally.


Ctrl + G

Group selected objects.

Ctrl + Shift + G

Ungroup selected objects.

Grouping Objects

Group keeps relative position of objects.

Ctrl + A

Select all objects.

Lock Objects

Lock objects from dragging, resizing or rotating.

Unlock Objects

Unlock objects from dragging, resizing or rotating.